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Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81
Titel: Ban request [BB]-Raubvogel
Verfasst am: 26.07.12 19:28
I didn't get any answer why I was banned, but silence means words like asshol, stupid became an insult on this server, then I please request ban Kurei ([BB]-Raubvogel) for insulting me in this topic,27143,0,asc,25.html and as it was direct consequence of our argument in game I request ban his account in game.
ps: I would also ask to check him for using aimbot, as an old player I know limits of standard aiming and moving, but he exceeds them definetely, the only explanation is aimbot or altered side strafe and turn rate. I know it's difficult to prove, but attempts were made -,24450_Corleone.html this is exactly the same situation. |
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Playtime: 7271h
Webmissions: 13

Beiträge: 816
Verfasst am: 26.07.12 19:40
Sry for cob, but Kurei is not [BB]-Raubvogel- but "[BB]-Raubvogel," or [BB]Mondrabe and so on. Just to not accuse BB leader in vain. |



Playtime: 947h
Webmissions: 183

Beiträge: 8384
Verfasst am: 26.07.12 19:58
You were banned because you insult others and you will not be unbanned until you show that you have learned your lesson. |

Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81
Verfasst am: 26.07.12 20:46
Nosferatu hat folgendes geschrieben: | You were banned because you insult others and you will not be unbanned until you show that you have learned your lesson. |
Does it mean he can insult me in the same way right here in the ban section of forum?
- I didn't say a single word here about his person, but he:
Kurei hat folgendes geschrieben: | ...But how stupid can you be Luk
Are you really that braindamaged? |
Kurei hat folgendes geschrieben: | I insulted you because you really are that stupid and ignorant... |
Kurei hat folgendes geschrieben: | ...i had to let out some rage. |
Nosferatu, do you want to say that he can let out some rage and insult me without any reason right here and I cannot despite the fact I was fought outnumbered with aimbot and chased through the systems? |
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Playtime: 947h
Webmissions: 183

Beiträge: 8384
Verfasst am: 26.07.12 21:05
If you really want we can take all this serious and take a look if his statements were worth a ban too.
But if we do that I will also take a close look at the banned player list and count how often you are listed there before thinking of unbanning you.
Your decision |

Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81
Verfasst am: 26.07.12 21:16
I merely ask you to be consistent, nothing more. If I was banned for such words, then they are insult, then everybody who uses them is insulting thus must be banned for the same period as I am, don't you agree it's fair? |
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Playtime: 947h
Webmissions: 183

Beiträge: 8384
Verfasst am: 26.07.12 21:28
Are you sure you want that?
As I already stated: He did it once you do it all the time and got banned 3 times for it.
I don't really want to get involved into this childish problems you to have but if I have to I will consider everything |

Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81
Verfasst am: 26.07.12 21:44
Nosferatu hat folgendes geschrieben: | He did it once you do it all the time and got banned 3 times for it.
I don't understand why you are talking about me? - I'm already banned? though I don't understand why, as such words were always not a hard insult, but if you say it is right that I'm banned, you are admin, but I ask you just to be consistent. Or you want to say that if I was banned for insulting, then everyone can insult me now?
And why you are talking about me being banned 3 times, first 2 were 5 (FIVE YEARS) ago - I suppose that is quite a period of time, even in real life in law practice if anything happened the appellant can make a civil complaint to court only within 3 years, after this period it is considered to be noconsequence for the appellant.
ps: childish it or not, you know it better, but I can't play now, just because somebody pressed ban button. I suppose it is more of a childish if he bans somebody for one thing, but doesn't ban another person for the same thing. |
_________________ -|||-

Playtime: 46h
Webmissions: 5
Beiträge: 7
Verfasst am: 26.07.12 21:56


Playtime: 1299h
Webmissions: 57
Beiträge: 87
Verfasst am: 26.07.12 22:51
Aye, i admit i insulted you.
But you can really drive someone nuts^^
As i stated. I think ill be warned for it atleast but seriously, you were chain-insulting for almost 3 hours in a row.
Thats a new record on my book.
And what i said won't be quite taken back, i do apologize for it ofcourse. But it doesn't mean im not going to keep thinking it.
You really acted as innocent as a child can be when they get a slap on the butt because they constantly bully their siblings/cousins with something.
and that my friend, was pure stupidity.
Edit: The sentence "I insulted you because you really are that stupid and ignorant..." is not an insult. Just a statement of my thoughts. Sorry if you felt offended. |



Playtime: 947h
Webmissions: 183

Beiträge: 8384
Verfasst am: 27.07.12 05:24
Luk hat folgendes geschrieben: | I don't understand why you are talking about me? - I'm already banned? |
So you don't want to be unbanned? No one said your a banned for life yet... |

Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81
Verfasst am: 27.07.12 20:20
Nosferatu hat folgendes geschrieben: | Luk hat folgendes geschrieben: | I don't understand why you are talking about me? - I'm already banned? |
So you don't want to be unbanned? No one said your a banned for life yet... |
Nosferatu, I can't understand why you discuss me in this topic???
This topic is solely of Kurei, not me, and I don't ask you to ban him for life too, just for the period you banned me.
ps: even in this topic he again tries to insult me:
Kurei hat folgendes geschrieben: | But it doesn't mean im not going to keep thinking it. |
Kurei hat folgendes geschrieben: |
...was pure stupidity.
_________________ -|||-


Playtime: 7271h
Webmissions: 13

Beiträge: 816
Verfasst am: 27.07.12 20:31
Luk, stupidity, stupid is not insulting (even in RL court wouldnt take your apellation about insulting due this word.)
And, even if Kurei would be banned for insulting- it will be just forum ban because it was insulting in forum. So you won`t achieve your goal.
И иди лучше смотри открытие Олимпиады=) |

Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81
Verfasst am: 27.07.12 20:40
Gudrun, well if I was banned for such type of word, then I ask to be consistent, nothing more.
And the reason this arguement started and thus he insulted me was INGAME not the forum, so the ban must be in game. |
_________________ -|||-
Vice Admiral


Playtime: 1186h
Webmissions: 44

Beiträge: 353
Verfasst am: 27.07.12 21:52
Luk, just play the game and enjoy killing faqhz. you dont need that shit. we always loved to share gamma with you, dont be such a fool playing this stupid dirty game they want you to obey. gawddamiht.
listen to nosferatu: if you will only tell your opinions next time without disgraceful..........words, you will be unbanned. come on you are grown man dude! |

Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81
Verfasst am: 31.07.12 01:38
Nosferatu, shall I wait an answer?
btw, you banned me very fast, but in this case 4 days have passed or as somebody said BB clan is admin's clan that's the problem? |
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Playtime: 4668h
Webmissions: 158

Beiträge: 1020
Wohnort: Vogeltopia
Verfasst am: 31.07.12 02:05
Sorry for cob, but NO Admin is in BB. |
_________________ You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
"Ich lagge nicht, ich mache produktive Bewegungen" |

Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81
Verfasst am: 02.08.12 15:24
[BB]-Turmfalke hat folgendes geschrieben: | Sorry for cob, but NO Admin is in BB. |
What's the problem then? |
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Playtime: 947h
Webmissions: 183

Beiträge: 8384
Verfasst am: 02.08.12 18:07
The problem is that you'll never change.
You always get aggressive when something is not going the way you want, you start to insult when that happens and you don't want to accept that your actions got you banned - not those of someone else
--> No unban for your ID until i can see a change in your behavior
--> Kurei - you'll get a warning |

Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81
Verfasst am: 02.08.12 22:11
Now that I see why it used to be so many players here that I couldn't even log in as there were no free slots and now it's only 20-30 players maximum, keep it going, you are on the right way to be an admin of empty server.
Regards. |
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Playtime: 1299h
Webmissions: 57
Beiträge: 87
Verfasst am: 02.08.12 23:04
Nosferatu: Thank for the rightful judging.
Luk: the server will never be empty. Maybe empty from players like you who have such a low temper as yourself.
When i see u again, i hope you won't be so short tempered anymore.
Good luck, have fun. |



Playtime: 947h
Webmissions: 183

Beiträge: 8384
Verfasst am: 03.08.12 06:30
What is your problem Luk?
When you first started insulting you were unbanned on the same day you were banned - so that was only a warning too.
Now I do the same to Kurei and you feel treated wrong again?
It's like I said. You don't learn your lessons and blame everyone else instead...  |

Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81
Verfasst am: 08.08.12 03:37
It's you who have a problem if he doesn't see the difference between a ban (even one day) and a warning (no ban at all).
It's like I said. Your decisions are not consistent and it's a good way to loose players, confirmation of which I see only 20-30 players online. |
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Playtime: 947h
Webmissions: 183

Beiträge: 8384
Verfasst am: 08.08.12 06:42
We use one day bans when we expect that a player doesn't read the forum and warnings when we know he does - it's always been like that.
Both have the same meaning. Change your behaviour or leave. You chose the second one. |
Petty Officer

Playtime: 884h
Webmissions: 43

Beiträge: 290
Wohnort: Hannvoer
Verfasst am: 08.08.12 08:54
Luk hat folgendes geschrieben: | It's you who have a problem if he doesn't see the difference between a ban (even one day) and a warning (no ban at all).
It's like I said. Your decisions are not consistent and it's a good way to loose players, confirmation of which I see only 20-30 players online. |
Oh my god, you had the one and only idea how to fill up the server with millions of players and the admins didn't pick it up? WTF? Well as you're surely convinced that your opinon is the right one, why don't you open your own server, become the perfect admin of it and let us stupid guys alone here on this empty server.
Still here? why? wasn't you idea not so splendid as you thought? |