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Sector Admiral



Playtime: 2929h
Webmissions: 1211

Beiträge: 1203
Wohnort: Braunschweig
Titel: einfach zu heftig
Verfasst am: 11.11.09 16:23
in letzter zeit ists ingame ja wieder etwas rauher geworden auf dem server
hier in dem fall ists aber einfach zu heftig, erst pvp, dann bischen craptalk von wegen man würde cheaten und unehrenhaft sein, ich erwiederte lediglich er solle daraufhin bischen mehr spielen und als dann auch noch slayer aka savage kam und ich garnichts mehr schrieb lief sein freund immortal-skyelius zur höchstform auf... sowas ist dann echt zu viel und ich empfinde es als tiefe beleidigung welches hier nichts zu suchen hat
Fleet Captain



... und noch ein Deppenadmin
Playtime: 2594h
Webmissions: 110

Beiträge: 1599
Wohnort: New Providence
Verfasst am: 11.11.09 18:16
Wird gebannt sobald der Server wieder da ist. |
_________________ Saviour/Rogue
Sponsored by: Milchmann & Ugluk
Zitat: | Wenn ich die Augen schließe sehe ich Blumen.
- Staga |
Lieutenant Commander

Playtime: 1522h
Beiträge: 93
Verfasst am: 11.11.09 22:32
brase i have no idea what ur typing right there but all i said was i will pwn you 1 vs 1...thats gank no nothing....i didnt cuss at you or say 1 bad word...i did nothing wrong |
Lieutenant Commander


Playtime: 3030h
Webmissions: 56

Beiträge: 2796
Wohnort: Sin-City // Honshu System
Verfasst am: 11.11.09 22:58
it's not about you O_O |
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change! |
Sector Admiral



Playtime: 5021h
Webmissions: 69
Beiträge: 8525
Titel: Re: einfach zu heftig
Verfasst am: 11.11.09 23:04
Balllaman hat folgendes geschrieben: | It became more rough InGame in the last time.
In this case it's simply too heavy, first we did PvP and then talked a bit crap, like "you cheat and have no honor bla" and then I just said that he should play more. But then came Savage so I did not write anything. But his friend IMMORTAL-Skyelius was unstoppable with his words ... that's truly more than enough and it is very insulting for me and imo such a thing may not be here. |
I hope the translation shows the content of what Balllaman said. |

Beiträge: 3
Titel: Re: einfach zu heftig
Verfasst am: 12.11.09 01:44
Rhino hat folgendes geschrieben: | Balllaman hat folgendes geschrieben: | It became more rough InGame in the last time.
In this case it's simply too heavy, first we did PvP and then talked a bit crap, like "you cheat and have no honor bla" and then I just said that he should play more. But then came Savage so I did not write anything. But his friend IMMORTAL-Skyelius was unstoppable with his words ... that's truly more than enough and it is very insulting for me and imo such a thing may not be here. |
I hope the translation shows the content of what Balllaman said. |
Pissed off at Brase's attitude, yes. Racist? No. Not ever.
A basic piece of common imagery says, for example, that latino (Spanish) girls have big butts. Another common imagery says afro-americans (or just plan americans, since that's what they are anyway) have "gifted" genitals, both male and female included. A simple joke never meant to offend anyone. If Brase is mature and smart enough to say "u talk shit", "shut the f*ck up", "u too easy cya" on an online game, he's not the innocent child who just got offended by common words.
I apologize in advance if that could've been wrong to anyone, but attitudes suggest it's basically a theater play to get me on the wrong view in front of the community, as many ignorant people like to do. If telling people "u noob" and "u shudnt play fl u suck" is tolerated, a joke like "imma rape ur mom bish" is nothing.
If strong language is not allowed, it was my bad. If childish insults are, there's nothing else to see here, except that maybe Brase has a serious attitude problem and a chronic, unattended attention disorder and disregard for other players.
There's little more to say.
Sky |
Petty Officer

Playtime: 864h
Webmissions: 2

Beiträge: 273
Wohnort: East Kent, UK
Verfasst am: 12.11.09 02:07
Balla, go and grow a pair of fucking balls. You do exactly the same shit to Corle and Rada when they rampage you. I get racist comments everywhere every single fucking day, and you go around being all flame this and cry that in peoples' faces.
There's a player on Procyon who does exactly the same. |
aka. Asphyxiation / The~Rapture |
Sector Admiral



Playtime: 2929h
Webmissions: 1211

Beiträge: 1203
Wohnort: Braunschweig
Titel: Re: einfach zu heftig
Verfasst am: 12.11.09 03:53
skyelius hat folgendes geschrieben: | (...)
If strong language is not allowed, it was my bad. If childish insults are, there's nothing else to see here, except that maybe Brase has a serious attitude problem and a chronic, unattended attention disorder and disregard for other players.
There's little more to say.
Sky |
you dont klnow when to stop , dont you ?
ive said nothing wrong in gamma and what i got from you was the worst insults i heard for months, maybe you watch the screen again and self reflect
@ killswitch : wth ?! u are an ex immortal so please dont talk crap to defend your friends, or show me screen where i offended him in any way, else its offtopic and lies |


Playtime: 7271h
Webmissions: 13

Beiträge: 816
Titel: Re: einfach zu heftig
Verfasst am: 12.11.09 07:07
Rhino hat folgendes geschrieben: | Balllaman hat folgendes geschrieben: | It became more rough InGame in the last time.
In this case it's simply too heavy, first we did PvP and then talked a bit crap, like "you cheat and have no honor bla" and then I just said that he should play more. But then came Savage so I did not write anything. But his friend IMMORTAL-Skyelius was unstoppable with his words ... that's truly more than enough and it is very insulting for me and imo such a thing may not be here. |
I hope the translation shows the content of what Balllaman said. |
If translate it by Google, we get-
ists here in the fall but just too hard, only pvp, then little by craptalk because it would be cheating and dishonorable, I replied, only little more then he should play and then also came as a savage aka slayer and I said nothing more was to be immortal-friendly skyelius to top form on ... sowas is then really has too much and I find it deeply insulting which no business here
You see- "and then also came as a savage aka slayer "
So prolly Savage understood it wrong. |



Playtime: 947h
Webmissions: 183

Beiträge: 8384
Verfasst am: 12.11.09 07:38
Why do you post here? You have been warned about the Code of behaviour already, stop posting in ban threads where you don't have a legit reason to post.
as suggested above take a look on that picture again. What you said there has nothing to do with "strong language" (which ist forbidden too), its intolerable. |

Beiträge: 5
Titel: Re: einfach zu heftig
Verfasst am: 12.11.09 15:00
Balllaman hat folgendes geschrieben: | @ killswitch : wth ?! u are an ex immortal so please dont talk crap to defend your friends, or show me screen where i offended him in any way, else its offtopic and lies |
Killswitch has never been and never will be an IMMORTAL. No IMMORTAL really remembers Skyelius that well which means he obviously wasn't that important.
I saw the screens and I chewed him out on Procyon and Killswitch defended him there just like he is here. He apparently thought that this wouldn't get back to us. What he did was inexcusable and should never have happened. Like you said Balllaman, He needs to look at the screen again and reflect on his actions. No one in our clan approves of this kind of behavior.
It's because you defend idiots like Skyelius after there is irrefutable proof that he is in the wrong that no IMMORTAL respects you. He was obviously being racist. He comes on to a different server in our clan tags and then lies to everyone about this including our clan leader. We saw the screen shots before we ever talked to him about his actions on HC.
As I have stated earlier, Killswitch aka Biohazard aka Who really cares how many names this idiot has, has never been in IMMORTALs and never will be. I hope that the actions of one obviously idiotic player (Skyelius) won't reflect badly on the entire IMMORTAL clan.
I just wanted to clear that up. |
Cadet (Junior) 2nd Class
 2nd Class_web.gif)

Playtime: 33h
Webmissions: 8
Beiträge: 135
Verfasst am: 12.11.09 16:49
As Caelus said:
We don't even know who Skyelius is, apparently he joined us looong ago, then went completely inactive. I remember his name, but most of us never even heard of him. He's just wearing the tag because apparently it's his only char on HC.
Killswitch has never been, and never ever will be an IMMORTAL. |
Petty Officer

Playtime: 864h
Webmissions: 2

Beiträge: 273
Wohnort: East Kent, UK
Titel: Re: einfach zu heftig
Verfasst am: 12.11.09 23:37
Balllaman hat folgendes geschrieben: | @ killswitch : wth ?! u are an ex immortal so please dont talk crap to defend your friends |
ROFLMAO. Ex-Immy sounds a little too much for me... What an honour you've given me to even mention them as if I am/was one (still taking Caelus and Brehon's statements in to consideration that I never was and never will be) xD
Oh and I'll talk all the crap I like. They're my friends, I have the right to defend them.
Regarding that screen, read my post again. If you still don't understand it, I'm sorry but I'm too lazy to explain it to you.
@ Nosfi - Oh my reason is perfectly legit. In fact, it's explained right here in this post  |
aka. Asphyxiation / The~Rapture |
Sector Admiral



Playtime: 2929h
Webmissions: 1211

Beiträge: 1203
Wohnort: Braunschweig
Verfasst am: 12.11.09 23:44
thx brehon,cael u show great attitude, and sry for thinking killswitch was an ex of immos
@ killswitch :
you saw what your friend said and defending this is completely dumb also your crap about i offended him (if admins need they can look gamma conversation)
and no, you dont have the right to talk bullshit here in banned section (this is not ingame), especially if the topic isnt about you and you have no screens continue telling lies and only to defend such a bullshit of your "so called friend" |
Petty Officer

Playtime: 864h
Webmissions: 2

Beiträge: 273
Wohnort: East Kent, UK
Verfasst am: 12.11.09 23:57
Screw it... I'm gonna explain it to you: He wasn't being in any form racist towards you Balla. He was simply using racial terms to flame you, but he wasn't using any form of insultation towards you when he used stated racial term. Get over it already.
This isn't in-game, and the server's down, so you know what? I'm not going to continue, I'm going to go outside to go and smoke a cigarette before I phone people asking about their real lives.
Zai tian. |
aka. Asphyxiation / The~Rapture |



Playtime: 947h
Webmissions: 183

Beiträge: 8384
Verfasst am: 12.11.09 23:59
Balla is right
Contributions in the banned forum are welcome only from involved players ( the banned players, players who demand a ban, witnesses, admins).
Everything else will be deleted / punished |

Beiträge: 5
Verfasst am: 13.11.09 00:39
Killswitch hat folgendes geschrieben: | Screw it... I'm gonna explain it to you: He wasn't being in any form racist towards you Balla. He was simply using racial terms to flame you |
Killswitch hat folgendes geschrieben: | He wasn't being in any form racist towards you Balla. He was simply using racial terms to flame you |
Killswitch hat folgendes geschrieben: | racist towards you Balla. He was simply using racial terms |
Killswitch hat folgendes geschrieben: | He was simply using racial terms |
Killswitch hat folgendes geschrieben: | racial terms |
Oh so I suppose that makes it okay then Killswitch? That he was JUST using Racial TERMS? No, It is still inexcusable and you need to stop posting in this topic. You're making yourself look worse than you already have. |

Beiträge: 3
Titel: Re: einfach zu heftig
Verfasst am: 13.11.09 01:39
Caelus hat folgendes geschrieben: |
No IMMORTAL really remembers Skyelius that well which means he obviously wasn't that important. |
Being "important" in a clan. Off topic, Einstein.
Caelus hat folgendes geschrieben: |
I saw the screens and I chewed him out on Procyon.. |
Insulting a fellow clan member is awesome, but still. Off topic, Einstein.
Caelus hat folgendes geschrieben: |
He apparently thought that this wouldn't get back to us. |
I don't really care who knows about the tragic incident. I stood by my intentions well and did not have a problem in the conversation with the IMMORTAL leader. Did I mention nobody cares who got the information on Procyon? Off topic, Einstein.
Caelus hat folgendes geschrieben: |
What he did was inexcusable and should never have happened. Like you said Balllaman, He needs to look at the screen again and reflect on his actions. |
It is amazing that you second Balllaman's opinion. That is, however.. Off topic, Einstein.
Caelus hat folgendes geschrieben: |
No one in our clan approves of this kind of behavior. |
Very well understood. However, the ban request is about "Skyelius", not about IMMORTAL. Off topic, Einstein.
Caelus hat folgendes geschrieben: |
It's because you defend idiots like Skyelius after there is irrefutable proof that he is in the wrong that no IMMORTAL respects you. |
Pitting people against each other, especially friends, is not educate behavior. Talks about wrong behavior should be backed up by following a good example of behavior yourself. Not to mention this sounds like blackmail. Also, this is directed at Killswitch, right? Well.. Off topic, Einstein.
Caelus hat folgendes geschrieben: |
He comes on to a different server in our clan tags and then lies to everyone about this including our clan leader. |
I don't remember the clan leader ever mentioning my lies, nor having an IMMORTAL court-martial for doing stuff I did not do. This is evidently an insolent flame, filled with your personal emotions. Guess what? Off topic, Einstein.
Caelus hat folgendes geschrieben: |
..the actions of one obviously idiotic player (Skyelius) won't reflect badly on the entire IMMORTAL clan. |
Thanks for calling me idiot once again. But anyway, Off topic, Einstein.
Balllaman hat folgendes geschrieben: |
you dont klnow when to stop , dont you ?
ive said nothing wrong in gamma and what i got from you was the worst insults i heard for months, maybe you watch the screen again and self reflect
There's no need for drama here. "you dont klnow when to stop , dont you ?" is off, since I expressed my intentions and thoughts clearly on my first post. What is short and clean should be kept short and clean; I was not racist, and you well-know it's a figure of speech, as well as you know how to paint it as something offensive to get rid of another player that you dislike.
For the record, I'm perfectly aware of the server rules. Racism is intolerable behavior. Was I racist? I believe that's answered by the emitter himself many times over.
Sky |



Playtime: 947h
Webmissions: 183

Beiträge: 8384
Verfasst am: 13.11.09 07:14
@Caelus. Yor are not meant to post here either.
@skyelius. Its not about Racism. You talked about raping his mother and cutting her in peaces, that kind of language is intolerable.
Don't you see that? |
Sector Admiral



Playtime: 2929h
Webmissions: 1211

Beiträge: 1203
Wohnort: Braunschweig
Verfasst am: 13.11.09 08:13
some people cant be helped, best is to close topic, its getting us nowhere since few posts... facts already cleared, positions set |

Beiträge: 3
Verfasst am: 13.11.09 14:33
If that is the case, Nosferatu, I have nothing else to say. I'm bound to the code of conduct and I chose to follow the example I saw in sys chat. Some people use coarse language at will from what I've seen, but then again it's not relevant to this discussion. I cleared up I was not racist but I did use strong language flaming back at Brase.
Apologies for the behavior.
Sky |
Sector Admiral



Playtime: 2929h
Webmissions: 1211

Beiträge: 1203
Wohnort: Braunschweig
Verfasst am: 13.11.09 15:53
come on this is getting worse and worse, first you said you didnt say anything wrong although there hasnt even been any harder insults on this server ive seen so far, then you even flamed on the forum here at me and partly against some of the other immortals and now "its all ok by saying you only react and took an example of how others behave, only flaming back"?, and they are the evil ones like me, when i didnt even said a single offending sentence ?!
in which reality you live, seriously ? |
Petty Officer

Playtime: 864h
Webmissions: 2

Beiträge: 273
Wohnort: East Kent, UK
Verfasst am: 13.11.09 17:42
Nosferatu hat folgendes geschrieben: | @skyelius. Its not about Racism. You talked about raping his mother and cutting her in peaces, that kind of language is intolerable.
Don't you see that? |
Oh right, I thought it was about the racist language. Sorry for posting here, wasn't fully aware of the situation. ^^
And Skye... You're not the only one. |
aka. Asphyxiation / The~Rapture |

Webmissions: 3

Beiträge: 83
Wohnort: Romania
Verfasst am: 13.11.09 18:51
I know I have nothing to do but I just want to point out something.
The HC Admins tried to keep a fairly balanced language vocabulary conduct.Even though that some people still abuse it , and this makes other people suffer.
The reason why they keep doing it , is to let people who occasionally get drunk/are pissed to rant a bit without getting banned.
There are servers who ban you one way just for saying 'f*ck' , 's*ck' , etc.
Anyway I just want to point out the obvious.
You either severely punish every violation of the server rules ( deleting characters , fees starting from 5 mils and going up to 20 mils , one way ban on certain accounts ) or this kind of behavior everyday.
- Bandit |

Beiträge: 134
Verfasst am: 21.11.09 06:45
also ich bin für ein unbann oder einen perma bann beider seits
weil wer im glashaus sitzt solte besser nicht mit steinen werfen @ bräse
du bist sehr am provuzieren
ich kann mir gut vorstellen was abgelaufen ist! du hast einfach wahlos wiedermal einen angegriffen und mit deine äußerung provuzierst!
und eig. soltest du doch schon so erwachsen sein dass du und dich garnicht erst auf solche gespräche einläßt und mit antworten wie SHUT THA **** UP!auch noch antwortest???? und damit meistens andere menschen als gegenspieler noch mehr provuzierst??? ist doch wohl deine eigene schuld
und du dich dann wunderst warum jemand aus der miesen laune deinerseits so antwortet?
bräse du enttäuscht mich mit deinem thread hier.... wenn du wüßtes wieviele im i net mich schon allein wegen mein skill beleidigt haben würdest du nur noch schwarz sehen ? O_O !
gruß westside|fury |
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Limus100 am 22.11.09 08:05, insgesamt 3-mal bearbeitet |