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time_bandit_gold basefinder_silber jumpholefinder_bronze rpgchar

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Beitrag Titel: Ban request
Verfasst am: 05.04.08 18:33
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I asked if he knows what fluct is..and this is the anser i got:

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Asky is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden

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Verfasst am: 05.04.08 18:35
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drake in german: ratte
K2 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
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time_bandit_gold basefinder_silber jumpholefinder_silber rpgchar

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Verfasst am: 05.04.08 19:01
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K2 hat folgendes geschrieben:
drake in german: ratte

and "ratte" in english = rat
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financial_expert_bronze basefinder_bronze jumpholefinder_silber urgestein_bronze

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Verfasst am: 05.04.08 19:06
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Think this is meant as a comparison not as an insult...
Holy shit...

~~~ Achtung! Opfer chronischer "Überall-****"-Paranoia!~~~ Dieter
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Verfasst am: 05.04.08 19:28
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i think that he is german and doessnt know whats the english name of the drake. (which is in german "ratte" (rat)) fucking is ment something like: stupit rat. its not ment to you, its ment to your ship. and for that NOBODY gets banned.

mfg Landa
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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_bronze basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

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Verfasst am: 05.04.08 22:02
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'Shit' still belongs to comparison, and a 'fucking' is imho not worth banning, as it is obviously referred to your ship.
And at last its true that the drake lags like hell Mr. Green

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Koan - When the Silence is Speaking
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Cadet (Sophomore) 3rd Class

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Verfasst am: 05.04.08 22:40
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Hehe, BlueThunder "äußert" sich mal wieder über laager Mr. Green

ist aber trotzdem keine Beleidigung, oder gar ein bangrund. Ein einfaches Missverständnis.

Well, I can translate it for you. He said something like: "I don't want to answer your question, because I still have some problems to hit or kill your drake. And this is annoying me a lot." (sorry BlueThunder Schäbig ^^ )
Harvox is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
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Verfasst am: 05.04.08 23:18
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fluct 7 is für ne ratte so wie wenn ein adler fluct 19 hat Confused

treff du den da mal Rolling Eyes Wink
und dann kam von ihm ein provokatives "fluct lässt nur euch bei mir laggen"

und wenn ich dann ein: "es macht dich scheiße laggy dumme ratte" loslass will der dass ich gebant werde? Hammer

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~BlueThunder~ is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
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time_bandit_gold basefinder_silber jumpholefinder_bronze rpgchar

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Beitrag Titel: re re re
Verfasst am: 05.04.08 23:19
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K2 hat folgendes geschrieben:
drake in german: ratte

he wrote "rat" not "ratte" wich is the same, and it's not even the point of this discution in the first place and second, the entire phrase was in english. He could have spoken in german the entire phrase or at least say "ratte".

landalas hat folgendes geschrieben:
i think that he is german and doessnt know whats the english name of the drake. (which is in german "ratte" (rat)) fucking is ment something like: stupit rat. its not ment to you, its ment to your ship. and for that NOBODY gets banned.

probably this doesn't mean nothing to you..but why does he read the english threads if he doesn't know english^^

Shadowfire hat folgendes geschrieben:
'Shit' still belongs to comparison, and a 'fucking' is imho not worth banning, as it is obviously referred to your ship.
And at last its true that the drake lags like hell Mr. Green

first of all drake DOES NOT lag..how can u say that since it's so fast that u can hardly see him pass u by Very Happy it's just some players that get mad on small ships because they hardly hit them, and they say it's laggy so cleary they don't know what they r talking about.a drake has less polygons than an eagle so how can it lag...but this is off topic so let's get back on topic.

"it makes u lag like shit fucking rat" that means he insulted me..not my ship... if it was @ my ship he would say "it makes u're fucking rat ship lag", or the entire phrase different...to me this is a insult... and i bet it is to any guy that knows english more or less...not only that but other people(Let's remember ZZero should we?) got banned for insulting.. even if we would assume that bluethunder is german and doesn't know english very well he could answer more polite than that... otherwise we could say we r all not english and swear like hell..i'm not from england either but i never sweared...in my country german peoples r repected for their behavior..anyway i have forgiven once an OIA for swearing...but bluethunder always flame @ something or somebody...anyway enough about the politeness lesson...let's see what the admins say about this

and please guys...try post in english..so others can understand too..i smell this will be a flaming thread
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Verfasst am: 06.04.08 00:05
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I don't believe that he wanted to insult you. As far as i know him, BlueThunder doesn't speak english very well, so he does some mistakes.
And you shouldn't blame him for his lack of english skills, should ya ?
He was maybe a bit frustated but i think this is done with an apologize from BlueThunder, isnt it ?

And about the thing, that drakes lag more .. well .. they have a much higher turnrate and so on so if there is a little lag they are used to show it more than eagles would do.

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Hard work always beats skill until skill works hard.
~Delta-Proxima~ is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
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time_bandit_bronze basefinder_bronze jumpholefinder_bronze rpgchar


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Verfasst am: 06.04.08 01:09
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~Delta-Proxima~ hat folgendes geschrieben:
He was maybe a bit frustated but i think this is done with an apologize from BlueThunder, isnt it ?

very wise Wink

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Dracco hat folgendes geschrieben:
when i get back im gonna stay 48 hours online. per day!
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financial_expert_gold time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

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Verfasst am: 06.04.08 01:14
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~Delta-Proxima~ hat folgendes geschrieben:
He was maybe a bit frustated

ähm... 1 on 1 ich gegen asky mit adler

BlueThunder is on a Rampage Wink

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~BlueThunder~ is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

hcl_gunso_silber hcl_std_bronze hcl_donation_gold

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Verfasst am: 06.04.08 02:31
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Ratte gunnen is doch kein problem auch wenns 50 FLuct hat, isse halt nach 3 Sek weg, in diesem Sinne gn8 Very Happy

X-22~Blackbird is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Cadet (Sophomore) 3rd Class

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Verfasst am: 06.04.08 10:12
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Mein Post war auch nicht ganz ernst gemeint Wink

Klar, Ratte ist klein und wendig und von Haus aus schwer zu treffen. Wenn der laag dann noch dazu kommt, wirds langsam schwer. *g*

Aber mal ehrlich, man muss sie nur 1-2x treffen und auch sonst hat sie außer Rakspam nicht viel zu bieten. Ich finde es schön, dass es auch Leute gibt, die nicht nur Adler fliegen. Das ist halt Fl. Extremen laag rechtfertigt das natürlich trotzdem nicht
Harvox is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar urgestein_gold financial_supporter kreuz_gold

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Verfasst am: 06.04.08 10:15
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