The Victory Alliance [V.A.] is a clan from the Rheinland space trying to get as far away so they can destroying pirates and keep peace around the Sirius Sector.We are also supported of the M(R)ND which are controling [V.A.] and the other clan [R.S.A.].
Leader - [V.A.]Super-six-one
Co-Leader - [V.A.]-Super-six-four
Home System - We are coming from Rheinland but we are acrossing all the Sirius Sector
Clan Reputation - 0
Tag - [V.A.]
No swearing!
No crying!
Respect the rules of the server!
Do not make char with clan tag before/if we accept your application!
Also do not kill your teamates!(Only if all 2 players agree pvp)!
You can give us application on our FaceBook clan page
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