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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

Playtime: 1384h
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Beitrag Titel: Council Rules
Verfasst am: 22.06.13 17:08
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Since I think it is appropriate for the complete community to see on which rules the council's decisions are based, here are the Council's Rules:

Voting and general Council Rules hat folgendes geschrieben:
    The chairman might not cast a vote in case he is a member of a clan which is represented in this council. This position is not open to be elected.

    Every council-member has one equal vote per case.

    Voting is open to all other council members so that every other council member as well as the admins may see the votes cast. A vote can be changed by a new posting, not by editing an old one.
    Vote options are:
    • Ban (permanent or time)
    • Warning
    • No ban / unban (case-related)
    • Need more evidence
    • Absention from votes

    A total of at least 2/3 (66%) of all council members must have voted for a decision in a case.
    A ban in a normal case like insults etc. will be executed if more than 1/2 (50%) of the votes are for the ban.
    When the members vote for a cheat-ban there must be reached a two-third majority (66%) to execute the ban.

    The punisment applied will be the harshest punishment that reaches the needed majority, in case there are different votes (e.g. ban-time) and not a certain decision.

    To despose a member of the council all other members have to vote for it and the chairman has to approve.

    The council-members may announce players to candidates to join the council as member. All members of the council have to vote for the decision whether or not to accept the player to the council. There must be a two-third majority for the player and the chairman has to approve of the election of the new council-member.

    The admins do not participate or influence the council's work or decisions but still might overrule decisions or dissolve the council in case it doesn't work. They do not vote.

    All decisions made by a majority of the members are binding for the chairman which means that even if the chairman disagrees he has to execute the decision being made.

General Rules
    In case a council-member is accused of cheating or is the object of a different ban-case the chairman will suspend this member from the council as long as the discussion has lead to a decision, so the player cannot manipulate this discussion. In case the council decides that the player is not getting banned he will be able to continue his work in the council. In case the council votes for a ban the collaboration with the council automatically ends as simply as his privilegues of being a player will end, too.

    Discussions in TeamSpeak will be protocolled and posted in this forum by the member who called the council in for the TeamSpeak-meeting.
    Also when a player asks a member to meet in TS the member has to send a protocol for the other members to see.

    The admins (and the chairman) might ban people before a discussion has been started. The council has to approve or decline the ban after seeing into the facts, stories and proof.

Activity/Inactivity Rules
    §1 Members of the council can be removed when they are inactive, independent of the clans activity.
    This does not require all council members to approve, but is executed by the chairman in cases of obvious inactivity to get free seats for new (active) council members.
    When the clan has enough activity, the clan may send another (active) representative.
    When the clan does not have enough activity, the council seat is gone and may be given to other clans (based on activity) or freelancer players.

    §2 If a freelancer member (who was added because of his skill/experience, function or anything else) is a member of a clan represented in the council, and another member of that clan is removed from the council because of inactivity, the freelancer player will take over the council seat of the clan and other freelancer players/clan players (based on activity) can be assigned.

    §3 The maximum number of Council members from one clan depends on the Council: One Clan may not have more than 20% of the Council's seats to prevent domination by few clans.
    However, this does not mean a clan has to remove active members from the council in the case that they got more than 20% of the seats by removal of inactive council members.

    §4 In a regular period between one and two months the activity of the server clans with reputation and the council members will be posted by the admins in the council for activity measurement (by activity points or posts, resprectively).
    Additionally the activity is looked upon, when the council seems to be stuck because of inactivity of members (those members will be removed and others, based on activity assigned).

Annotation to the first sentence about the Chairman postion:
In fact, I was elected to the position after Rhino disappeared, but in contrast to him I am not an Admin, nor have any special rights ingame.


Mormegil - Eventmanager, Councilvorsitzender
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