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 The case of [OWL]Slayer-[x] / Savage Nächstes Thema anzeigen
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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

Playtime: 1384h
Webmissions: 132

Beiträge: 1220
Wohnort: Irgendwo in Sirius

Beitrag Titel: The case of [OWL]Slayer-[x] / Savage
Verfasst am: 10.06.13 09:23
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Dear Comunity,
i saw that many of you complained about the ban of Savage.
Thats why I want to inform you on why he was banned.

We were given a video with some strange cruise speed of Savages ship, enabling to hunt down another player.
This looked really strange and we tried to find out what that could be, since it was obviously too fast for the old strafing trick.
We could not find a good explanation, so we banned this one ID to get his attention so he can comment on the video in the council contact.

When he gives us an explanation that is plausible, his ID will be unbanned immediately.

The problem is that we had several players with modified cruise/cruise speed in the last few weeks and months, and this could be one more case,
although it is not a clear case like the others which is the reason why we want him to comment on the video.

I am sorry for this confusion, Horatio should have written "suspected of cheating - pls contact council" instead of "cheating - pls contact council".

Mormegil - Eventmanager, Councilvorsitzender
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Verfasst am: 10.06.13 11:10
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financial_expert_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

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Verfasst am: 10.06.13 18:38
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Sav you big dummy
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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

Playtime: 1384h
Webmissions: 132

Beiträge: 1220
Wohnort: Irgendwo in Sirius

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Verfasst am: 13.06.13 14:41
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Since many asked for the video of Savage with the strange speed and i said we would show you at an appropriate time, here it is.


Please note that you may discuss the video, but try to stay calm, neutral and do not let it end in a flamewar. Thank you.

Mormegil - Eventmanager, Councilvorsitzender
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General Jack

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rpgchar urgestein_bronze financial_supporter

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Verfasst am: 13.06.13 15:13
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edit 1

trust strafe A and D will just get 4ms to 300m/s this is like 50m/s more.
its possible if you make this trick in window-mode and hit the desktop after strafe A and D, but this will just get a bit more like and you game start lagging like hell.

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Zuletzt bearbeitet von General Jack am 15.06.13 11:34, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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Ying Lin

financial_expert_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold rpgchar

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Wohnort: San Tropéz

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Verfasst am: 14.06.13 22:47
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I watched this 5 times now - even i flew the same way through gamma.

Yes - it looks strange on first sight.

But only this. If you flow in all the infos you´ve got, you can only come to one conclusion: This guy did not cheat on these evidences.

Here the facts:

- he lives in america (long distance ip)
- he has average 0.300 ping
- he is long time player and never came in touch with cheating before (correct me - never mind)

Now see the movie again, with the facts you know now you also have to know, that anything you see of "savage" happened already 0,3 seconds ago.
So if you change your moving direction 90° to the right site - your opponent normally comes closer. Why? - he flys the short way straight heading to you. Only if you fly straight forward you can keep same distance. The program makes many mistakes. You can see that clearly when player changes moving direction. The distance was about 400 before he changed direction. After it it was about 900 - TOO much - because the opponent flys the shorter way he comes closer only the game shows wrong numbers. That the count goes constantly down after it when the direction of the hunted goes straight again is normal. And as you can see he has at the end only a bit less distance than in the beginning.

At least to me this is too much noise for nothing. The video is no evidence - maybe just a cheap try to get an annoying person out of sight.

But i dont care, even if u ban him or not - only thing i can say is: This video proofs nothing in attempt of cheat....

have fun

Nochmal kurz auf deutsch: Is mir ehrlich gesagt ladden ob hier jemand gebannt wird oder nich - auch kenn ich den typen nichmal als dass ich was für oder gegen ihn haben könnte, finds aber einfach nur scheiße, wenn jemand gebannt wird für was, was eindeutig kein cheaten is...
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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

Playtime: 1384h
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Wohnort: Irgendwo in Sirius

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Verfasst am: 14.06.13 23:21
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Er ist doch schon wieder entbannt, da auch wir uns nicht sicher waren, ob es ein Cheat ist oder nicht, und wir Savage nicht als Cheater eingeschätzt haben (ja er spielt schon länger hier).

Er war nur für die Zeit gebannt, wo wir nur das Video hatten und keine Stellungnahme dazu von ihm, die wir haben wollten, da es sehr ungewöhnlich aussah und nicht mit dem alten strafe-trick zu erklären ist.

Da aber viele Spieler das Video sehen wollten, hatte ich es noch gepostet (da ich vorher auch versprochen hatte, das Video öffentlich zu machen wenn Savage zustimmt und wir unsere Entscheidungen getroffen haben).

Mormegil - Eventmanager, Councilvorsitzender
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financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar urgestein_gold financial_supporter kreuz_gold

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Verfasst am: 15.06.13 08:39
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From second 6 of the video till second 44 the hunted flew a perfect straight line.
In the same time the distance changes from 1168 to 251m.

If lag where the answer: Why does he always gain speed. Why does he NEVER fall behind.

I have played a lot as a trader in my active time.
And i never saw a player that could catch up with that speed and Savage is not the first player with a bad connection on this server.
I also never heard of something like this before - and if I did is because the hunted didn't know the strafe trick.

Has anybody seen something like this before?
Savage: Has this happened to you before?
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Fleet Captain

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_silber

rpgchar hcl_gunso_silber

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Verfasst am: 15.06.13 10:17
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I saw something like that before two times when i was hunted on clanmissions (~1,5 years ago). I never could get this on video because i'm not playing the hole time with fraps on. The cases i remember were more strange, i saw people who where 4,5k behind me coming close to 1k after 20-30 seconds. My luck was that they were bad hunters and me to be a good trader, but i'm sure that was a cheat. Well it's long time ago and i never accuse someone in public without proofs.
In Savages case it looks very strange and i'm wodering that he got unbanned, even if i don't believe in Savage as a cheater, too.
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Ying Lin

financial_expert_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold rpgchar

Playtime: 1071h
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Beiträge: 75
Wohnort: San Tropéz

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Verfasst am: 15.06.13 15:42
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@Nosferatu: Yeah, that´s what i thought too - but only on first sight. If you look again he has about 1000 distance in the beginning and its dropping since victim change direction caused by collision with rock. Directly after the collision u can see the distance is again about 1000 - to this is a proof for a wrong distance number shown by system and caused by lag. Even IF he was under 600 away before he changes direction, why he didnt shot? - A distance of 300 and i would need about 4 seconds to kill the target, but he didnt, he just flew straight with cruise speed - which shows to me that HE had a different range information than his opposite...

I saw this in about 10 years so often that i learned to deal with it. Sure there maybe a cheater under it from time to time... - but they would have fired as soon they reached weapon range - savage didnt...
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time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold rpgchar

hcl_gunso_bronze urgestein_bronze

Playtime: 3654h
Webmissions: 7

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Verfasst am: 15.06.13 17:11
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Ying Lin hat folgendes geschrieben:
@Nosferatu: Yeah, that´s what i thought too - but only on first sight. If you look again he has about 1000 distance in the beginning and its dropping since victim change direction caused by collision with rock.

Where do you see collisions or changing direction in first 40 seconds? Rolling Eyes
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Ying Lin

financial_expert_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold rpgchar

Playtime: 1071h
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Beiträge: 75
Wohnort: San Tropéz

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Verfasst am: 16.06.13 12:13
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rada hat folgendes geschrieben:
Where do you see collisions or changing direction in first 40 seconds? :roll:

Well before the video got started? - in second -4 for example? Even IF it would be cheating - the movie isnt proof enough. If it would be as tritor described and if this would be clear on sight on screen/video i would admit it... not thislike.
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time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold rpgchar

hcl_gunso_bronze urgestein_bronze

Playtime: 3654h
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Verfasst am: 16.06.13 13:08
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Ying Lin hat folgendes geschrieben:
Well before the video got started? - in second -4 for example? Even IF it would be cheating - the movie isnt proof enough. If it would be as tritor described and if this would be clear on sight on screen/video i would admit it... not thislike.

are you serious or its just some kind of high level trolling?
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Ying Lin

financial_expert_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold rpgchar

Playtime: 1071h
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Beiträge: 75
Wohnort: San Tropéz

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Verfasst am: 16.06.13 13:13
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Well i can not compare my comments with any kind of trolling... :-*
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Vice Admiral

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar financial_supporter

Playtime: 6687h
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Wohnort: Planet New Tokyo / Scotland

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Verfasst am: 16.06.13 14:57
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Ying Lin hat folgendes geschrieben:
@Nosferatu: Yeah, that´s what i thought too - but only on first sight. If you look again he has about 1000 distance in the beginning and its dropping since victim change direction caused by collision with rock. Directly after the collision u can see the distance is again about 1000 - to this is a proof for a wrong distance number shown by system and caused by lag. Even IF he was under 600 away before he changes direction, why he didnt shot? - A distance of 300 and i would need about 4 seconds to kill the target, but he didnt, he just flew straight with cruise speed - which shows to me that HE had a different range information than his opposite...

I saw this in about 10 years so often that i learned to deal with it. Sure there maybe a cheater under it from time to time... - but they would have fired as soon they reached weapon range - savage didnt...

Have to say I have not seen anything like this in 10 years.

He flies straight until he enters the cloud and hits something, it was constant gaining ground until the collision, if it was lag then this simply would not happen, it would fluctuate as the server re-sync with client side.

It is the same in the rest of the video, constant gaining until there is a definite change of direction, at all other periods the flying direction is straight.

There is plenty of evidence here to show that something strange is happening that cannot be explained by lag, nor direction changes, I know Slayer for a long time and have never had any reason to suspect him of cheats but so far neither his not any other explanation explains what I am seeing in this video.

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Not all Tedi`s are cute and cudly!!! click here
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Ying Lin

financial_expert_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold rpgchar

Playtime: 1071h
Webmissions: 9

Beiträge: 75
Wohnort: San Tropéz

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Verfasst am: 16.06.13 15:54
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Then i must have been met with more cheaters ever expected - ur the pro man
Ying Lin is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Vice Admiral

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar financial_supporter

Playtime: 6687h
Webmissions: 634

Beiträge: 910
Wohnort: Planet New Tokyo / Scotland

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Verfasst am: 16.06.13 16:12
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Ying Lin hat folgendes geschrieben:
Then i must have been met with more cheaters ever expected - ur the pro man

Although this does not even make sense, I expect it was an attempt at sarcasm.

Do you want to have another attempt?

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Not all Tedi`s are cute and cudly!!! click here
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Ying Lin

financial_expert_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold rpgchar

Playtime: 1071h
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Beiträge: 75
Wohnort: San Tropéz

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Verfasst am: 16.06.13 16:21
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Nope - i even dont know what to add - u pointed out your opinion and so am i - maybe the truth is in between. This was no sarcasm, just the comparision of ur playtime with mine.
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Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold

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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 22:52
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shit i been on FL since this game started an never had this many problems on a server of "cheating" i think im tryin to be fucked away by people but hey i aint a cheater an i just wont be on HC got to many hours an time in HC an this is bullshit only other server to play is disco so ill suck it up an play there
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