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 Are admins going to fix lag issue for international players? Nächstes Thema anzeigen
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Verfasst am: 12.05.09 16:33
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Dead_Parrot hat folgendes geschrieben:
I simply want to come around to your house and slap you

I dont make personal threats in any forum. But i realy doubt you could slap me anyway lol Very Happy

Ko[M]aR hat folgendes geschrieben:
i dont have interest to destroying my cheater rep

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[SkuLL]Pitch[X]Black is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 12.05.09 16:49
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Dead_Parrot hat folgendes geschrieben:
p.s. everyone now know's I slept with your sister and I was kinda hoping to keep that secret... she not pretty


All im trying to do is help get rid of some the lag on freelancer. One of the ways to help reduce the lag is to use a cable and not a wireless connection. Another way is not to download whilst playing online, and dont have 6 chat programs open at the same time as playing online. Also people come online, sit on the dockring and go browsing the internet. All this adds to the serverload and makes more lag.

But all i get in return for trying to help is a load of BS and people trying to make out that im a flamer.

I am very abrupt and get straight to the point, im a yorkshire man so i speak my mind and some people take it to heart. But i dont really flame or insult anyone.

Ko[M]aR hat folgendes geschrieben:
i dont have interest to destroying my cheater rep

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Verfasst am: 12.05.09 17:11
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All im trying to do is help get rid of some the lag on freelancer. One of the ways to help reduce the lag is to use a cable and not a wireless connection. Another way is not to download whilst playing online, and dont have 6 chat programs open at the same time as playing online. Also people come online, sit on the dockring and go browsing the internet. All this adds to the serverload and makes more lag.

I don't use Wireless connection, I shut every chat program before starting FL, I never download while playing (who could be enough stupid to complain about lag while he is downloading Razz ), and I naturely never browsing internet while I'm fighting...so any solution? Wink I personnaly can't see a solution.

But btw, today, I had quite good connection (good ping, no loss/fluct, and lag from 0 to 5), and there were almost 100 player online .
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Verfasst am: 12.05.09 17:32
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FFS stop trying to Pwn my topic

Subject is can admins fix lag for International players ?

Simple, we have read this topic and are looking for possible solutions would be a start

Oh and feel free to remove any posts which contain flame and / or are a pissing contest -_-

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Not all Tedi`s are cute and cudly!!! click here
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Verfasst am: 12.05.09 19:26
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Dead_Parrot hat folgendes geschrieben:
p.s. everyone now know's I slept with your sister and I was kinda hoping to keep that secret... she not pretty

you must be rly brave and fearless Razz

Pitch hat folgendes geschrieben:
But i dont really flame or insult anyone.

nah not at all


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Verfasst am: 12.05.09 20:52
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Tedi hat folgendes geschrieben:
Oh and feel free to remove any posts which contain flame and / or are a pissing contest -_-


Admins please do your work here..

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Verfasst am: 12.05.09 21:08
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sry but i don´t read all

are admins going to fix lag issue for international players?

pls not only for international players

i have at zhe moment ping 31-45 fluct 0-7 lag 5-7
normal was a half year ago ping 23 0 0 0


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[F-TI]Toinlo is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 12.05.09 22:27
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You all seem to miss the point im trying to get accross. I know not everyone has chat programs running, or uses wireless or downloads when they play online, but a lot of people do, maybe half of the people on the server do most of these things?

What im trying to say is that most of the lag is probably caused by the user. I too have been getting lag issues.

Here is something else for you to think about.
Maybe all this lag has something to do with all the recent big fights in new berlin ? NB has always been 1 of the laggiest sytems in freelancer and to have 20-30 people there in a big fight will cause a lot of lag to the whole server. The server has been pretty laggy for atleast the past mth, is that when everyone decided to move to new berlin?

This is a good point i make, because at night when theres only around 30-40 players online and hardly anyone, if anyone in NB the server runs pretty smooth with no lag.

Move back to the omicrons lol and see if its less laggier.

Just checked server satuts now, and most of the server are in house sytems, only 11 players out of 76 are in gamma beta and theta, no-one in alpha. This is unusual in FL, normally most of the people online are in the omicrons and then you get a few traders floating around the house systems.

Ko[M]aR hat folgendes geschrieben:
i dont have interest to destroying my cheater rep

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[SkuLL]Pitch[X]Black is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
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Verfasst am: 12.05.09 23:58
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Dead_Parrot hat folgendes geschrieben:
Calling me cheap and lazy I simply want to come around to your house and slap you mr.

Dead_Parrot hat folgendes geschrieben:

p.s. everyone now know's I slept with your sister and I was kinda hoping to keep that secret... she not pretty

Buckle Up ! Banned
Kirki is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 13.05.09 00:59
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i sleep with my Bear but its 100% non sexual

here is a pic of my Bear
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From time to time Bear goes FL and thats not funny

After that i have much trouble to ask for unbanns or apologise about his Raw style and stuff Mr. Green
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Verfasst am: 13.05.09 12:28
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lol kirki nice one I'll take that ban but seriously does is have to be a global ban? if so is it permanent cause if it is I think you overreacted just a tad.
Even pitch can't have taken me seriously and been thinking I was actually gonna go to the trouble of going round to his house slapping him and sleeping with his sister.

Was flames nothing more and meant as a joke might I add. Well the slap you bit was because I felt insulted that pitch had called me cheap and lazy. But the sleeping with his sister was a joke. I even slept with his hamster at one point and someone's pet spider too. Anyway I'm posting for info more than anything... just question is it permanent and if not how long?

p.s. the hcl's ####ed now top 3 ranks in standard league and 2 have global banns XD
Parrot is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 13.05.09 14:57
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Kirki hat folgendes geschrieben:
Dead_Parrot hat folgendes geschrieben:
Calling me cheap and lazy I simply want to come around to your house and slap you mr.

Dead_Parrot hat folgendes geschrieben:

p.s. everyone now know's I slept with your sister and I was kinda hoping to keep that secret... she not pretty

Buckle Up ! Banned

hmm, i have known parrot for a while and hes always like this. He takes everything soo personal and thinks all comments are aimed directly at him. But i dont think he deserves a ban for his comments, as i never take anything written in forums serious or personal and nothing he said has upset me in any way.

I know he hates me, and he wouldn't do the same for me but im not like that and i dont want him to be banned because he went in a rage at me lol.

@Parrot dont takes things to heart and control you temper a bit your comments dont effect me in any way, but maybe other people might have been upset ? So just keep calm and chil, its only a game

Ko[M]aR hat folgendes geschrieben:
i dont have interest to destroying my cheater rep

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Zuletzt bearbeitet von [SkuLL]Pitch[X]Black am 13.05.09 15:30, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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Verfasst am: 13.05.09 14:59
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Parrot hat folgendes geschrieben:
p.s. the hcl's ####ed now top 3 ranks in standard league and 2 have global banns XD

Knew i should have joined this league for the money ^^
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Verfasst am: 13.05.09 15:57
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Nah it's cool pitch I don't hate you I just wish that you had an off button sometimes.

Kirki's the one I'm a bit unsure about at the moment seems to be dishing out the global banns a bit too easily imo. I took a large ammount of offense from you saying that I was cheap or lazy. Bud that's a major insult to my personallity and I overeacted I admit, but not one thing I said back at you was serious; I'm not gonna hunt you down and slap you, I couldn't careless about the sister thing as anyone who thought that was anything but a joke is an idiot(that's a joke btw for all you ppl thinking "hey is he calling me an idiot?") and I am sorry to the ppl who I offended however if you are offended that easily then you really shouldn't have access to the internet.

Should've gotten a temporary forum ban not a global and everyone knows it I reckon.
But I'm gonna take this ban anyway give me a chance to relax and not just log on to see what my lags at.

Oh and your last peice of advice at me... yeah I'm gonna ignore that bit. As you may not see it but I take offense from it especially the part where you basically say your better than me. And I'm not joking btw.
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Verfasst am: 13.05.09 18:50
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Parrot hat folgendes geschrieben:

Was flames nothing more and meant as a joke might I add.

Administration don't like jokes, which combine real life related things like this. For outsider it's impossible to see if you just joke or not. This case will be discuss by us and then we will inform you over our decision.
Kirki is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 13.05.09 18:53
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Parrot hat folgendes geschrieben:
I just wish that you had an off button sometimes.

Maybe you should take your own advice ?

Parrot hat folgendes geschrieben:
I took a large ammount of offense from you saying that I was cheap or lazy. Bud that's a major insult to my personallity

Parrot hat folgendes geschrieben:
Oh and your last peice of advice at me... yeah I'm gonna ignore that bit. As you may not see it but I take offense from it especially the part where you basically say your better than me. And I'm not joking btw.

Parrot hat folgendes geschrieben:
and I am sorry to the ppl who I offended however if you are offended that easily then you really shouldn't have access to the internet.

a bit hypocritical dont you think ?

Parrot hat folgendes geschrieben:

but not one thing I said back at you was serious; I'm not gonna hunt you down and slap you, I couldn't careless about the sister thing as anyone who thought that was anything but a joke is an idiot

So its only you that jokes in the forum ? and everyone else is serious ?

If you are refering to my comment that you wouldn't do the same for me, well there is a wink in there which to my understandiing means a joke.

This is exactly what i said in my post that you take everything too serious and take it to heart.

So i take back what i said about you not deserving the ban. You have done nothng but flame, insult, slag me off and put words into my mouth for the past few weeks. So i think kirki did the right thing with the global ban, good riddance cu.

Ko[M]aR hat folgendes geschrieben:
i dont have interest to destroying my cheater rep

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Verfasst am: 13.05.09 19:51
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Since this thread is already destroyed....

So you can get banned ingame for things you do on the forum? and on the forum for stuff in game?

Then can i have komar banned on the forum coz he cheated in game!
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Verfasst am: 13.05.09 20:04
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lol what a bullshit, not cheating but "network traffic" remember that.


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Verfasst am: 13.05.09 20:15
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of course u have always clean vest and dont know anything for sure.
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Verfasst am: 13.05.09 20:35
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we talked about all problems here pls close topic^^
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Verfasst am: 14.05.09 04:55
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Stop taking what I said out of context Pitch your only making it seem like I actually careless. Admin close this topic lags not gonna get fixed and I don't want Pitch getting a bann for falling in love with me.
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Verfasst am: 14.05.09 06:40
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Tedi hat folgendes geschrieben:

Subject is can admins fix lag for International players ?

Apperantly not , only thing they are able to do is to restart server ( only if autorestarts fails ) .

Signature rules! //edited by admin
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Verfasst am: 14.05.09 09:18
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Lags that can be solved by restarting the server aren't topic here.
But thats part of the problem. Most players don't care were lag is comeing from they only scream server lag.

Like Manace noted before. One tracert doesn't say much. But it tells me which connection i should monitor.
What I'm doing currently is finding a way to monitor a connection over time and compare it to what the ingame ping check says.

It will take some time until I get useful data out of that attempt and then I'll only know if the problem is server side, connection side or client side not how to fix it.

Bottom line: Have patience
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Verfasst am: 14.05.09 14:29
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@ Parrot

You will get full unban, within next week. We don't want read further real life related things by you, no matter if this was a joke or not.
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Verfasst am: 14.05.09 14:47
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Nosferatu hat folgendes geschrieben:
Like Manace noted before. One tracert doesn't say much. But it tells me which connection i should monitor.
What I'm doing currently is finding a way to monitor a connection over time and compare it to what the ingame ping check says.

It will take some time until I get useful data out of that attempt and then I'll only know if the problem is server side, connection side or client side not how to fix it.

Bottom line: Have patience

Tonite Im gonna do tracert, hope it'll help ya out.

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Dracco hat folgendes geschrieben:
when i get back im gonna stay 48 hours online. per day!
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