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 Enlarged Chatlog modification ! Nächstes Thema anzeigen
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financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar urgestein_bronze financial_supporter
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Beitrag Titel: Enlarged Chatlog modification !
Verfasst am: 19.02.09 17:52
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tired of the small chatlog in Freelancer? Here is the solution!

This mod enlarges the Freelancer chatlog size, just try out!

Download @ Freelancer-Reborn.de

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Verfasst am: 19.02.09 18:07
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GREAT! =) thx

Syd hat folgendes geschrieben:
mit SP1 musste dich nicht wundern das du eine Gefahr fürs Inet darstellst
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JM Grip
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HCL & Techmin
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Verfasst am: 19.02.09 18:11
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sehr sinnvoll!

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Verfasst am: 19.02.09 19:13
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nice ^_^

Grand Admiral of the ]Imperium[

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Verfasst am: 19.02.09 19:38
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Awesome Bas
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financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar urgestein_bronze financial_supporter
Helper Rank I
Playtime: 1250h
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Beiträge: 4703

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Verfasst am: 19.02.09 19:50
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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold rpgchar urgestein_gold

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Verfasst am: 01.03.09 14:41
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Some Questions:

1. You find out this hack by yourself ?
2. Is it possible to make Chatlog lager than now ?
3. Is it possible to enlarge characters limit when you write something to ?

„Ein Kluger bemerkt alles, ein Dummer macht über alles seine Bemerkungen.“
Heinrich Heine
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Verfasst am: 01.03.09 15:10
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bas ich muss sagen du machst das gut.

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~In Loving Memory of Frye`~
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Verfasst am: 01.03.09 15:11
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yep is echt nice besonders wenn man afk geht und dann wieder kommt, kann man schön alles nachlesen ^^. aber noch länger wär n nice to have.

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When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change!
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financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

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Playtime: 1250h
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Beiträge: 4703

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Verfasst am: 01.03.09 16:34
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1 hack by m0tah
2 nope
3 maybe there an other hack for this for the EXE, but didnt found it yet

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Verfasst am: 01.03.09 17:17
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schick... Respekt Geil

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Da draussen sind noch mehr von uns...
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financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

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Helper Rank I
Playtime: 1250h
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Verfasst am: 03.03.09 21:20
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3 possible and will be included later

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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold rpgchar urgestein_gold

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Webmissions: 75

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Wohnort: ~SinCity~

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Verfasst am: 03.03.09 21:42
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Just read but it seams that 100 characters is max or you must get a hack to enlarge chatbox

[Edit] ok I was wrong i find a way to remove all clientside limits there is only a Serverside limit between 450 and 500 characters

But I'm not shure if this is a good idea to post it cause of spam abusers....

„Ein Kluger bemerkt alles, ein Dummer macht über alles seine Bemerkungen.“
Heinrich Heine
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financial_expert_silber rpgchar

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Verfasst am: 04.03.09 09:00
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i think more letters will increase the possibillity of spam... and the uv chat is spam only at the moment...
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financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

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Verfasst am: 04.03.09 09:45
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I think increasing the letters by ~30 is still OK.

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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold rpgchar urgestein_gold

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Verfasst am: 04.03.09 18:36
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Max option with limit is 127 characters.

looks like this for example:
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Or without clientside Limits:

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Admins your opinion ?

Some of this is allowed or both ?

„Ein Kluger bemerkt alles, ein Dummer macht über alles seine Bemerkungen.“
Heinrich Heine
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financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar urgestein_bronze financial_supporter
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Verfasst am: 20.03.09 10:49
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Oh sry, oversaw your posting

The limit "7F" is only semi-correct:

Ok, best value for maximum number of characters in multiplayer chat window is 7F/127. I am not sure, but I have the feeling that even higher values have an effect, meaning that you can write more letters then. But then there is the "loop"-bug again - meaning you dont come to an end of letters when you are writing a message (just see for yourself ^^)

I also made 2 screenshots to show how muhc it is only enlarged, not too much IMHO (127 instead of 80 letters):


(I am I with EXE hack, Saarländer without EXE hack - Just look for Halloooooo[...])

So even values about 7F HAVE an effect, but cause a bad bug.

Also, it is possible to decrease the time how long the chat is displayed at the left side of the screen:
10000i in freelancer.exe, 0x691ca = time in milliseconds chat text is displayed before disappearing

Also possible to decrease the number of chat lines displayed at the left (At least I guess so)

Some one interested in having such a things? iirc many ppl here are complaining about that they can't hit any thing at the left side of the screen because of this mass off characters.

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]Imperium[Bas is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold rpgchar urgestein_gold

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Verfasst am: 20.03.09 11:30
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]Imperium[Bas hat folgendes geschrieben:
Oh sry, oversaw your posting

The limit "7F" is only semi-correct:

Ok, best value for maximum number of characters in multiplayer chat window is 7F/127. I am not sure, but I have the feeling that even higher values have an effect, meaning that you can write more letters then. But then there is the "loop"-bug again - meaning you dont come to an end of letters when you are writing a message (just see for yourself ^^)

I also made 2 screenshots to show how muhc it is only enlarged, not too much IMHO (127 instead of 80 letters):


(I am I with EXE hack, Saarländer without EXE hack - Just look for Halloooooo[...])

So even values about 7F HAVE an effect, but cause a bad bug.

Also, it is possible to decrease the time how long the chat is displayed at the left side of the screen:
10000i in freelancer.exe, 0x691ca = time in milliseconds chat text is displayed before disappearing

Also possible to decrease the number of chat lines displayed at the left (At least I guess so)

Some one interested in having such a things? iirc many ppl here are complaining about that they can't hit any thing at the left side of the screen because of this mass off characters.

The new value offers the possibility to nearly mute all Chat during fight for excaple =)

Is there also a value somwhere for the chatcolor ? =)

„Ein Kluger bemerkt alles, ein Dummer macht über alles seine Bemerkungen.“
Heinrich Heine
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Verfasst am: 20.03.09 11:33
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Guess so, but you better ask M0tah at the Starport forums Razz

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Verfasst am: 20.03.09 12:41
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Is it works with HC mod?

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financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

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Helper Rank I
Playtime: 1250h
Webmissions: 36

Beiträge: 4703

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Verfasst am: 20.03.09 12:49
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Playtime: 1734h
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Verfasst am: 20.03.09 13:43
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is it allowed on HC? Razz
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Verfasst am: 20.03.09 14:38
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When a HC-Admin says that this Mod makes sense (look first reply, JM_Grip) then there should be no problem in using it on HC. Otherwise ask CatDog, he will post a ban-request for all mod-users. Razz

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Verfasst am: 20.03.09 14:43
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Only reason to forbit more charas in Chat is abuse possibility with spam.
But an Limited Version is ok I think.

The other things are only visual client modification for excample nearly chatmute or counterpart....thats no Cheat

„Ein Kluger bemerkt alles, ein Dummer macht über alles seine Bemerkungen.“
Heinrich Heine
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Wohnort: Hamburg, Freeport!7.2/S4 Abteilung

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Verfasst am: 30.11.09 16:41
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Error 404!

gibts ne neue Downloadstelle?

Never say never!
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