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Sector Admiral

financial_expert_gold time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

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Playtime: 3595h
Webmissions: 174

Beiträge: 572

Beitrag Titel: not the first time..
Verfasst am: 24.11.07 19:00
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...but the last i hope.
"-|||-God's_hand 02.06.07 (Insulting) - unban" - the same man.
The screeN
English and russian ("chmo") insulting.
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financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

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Helper Rank I
Playtime: 1250h
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Verfasst am: 24.11.07 19:06
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what means "chmo"?

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Sector Admiral

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Playtime: 3595h
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Beiträge: 572

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Verfasst am: 24.11.07 19:09
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I don't know how to translate this.. We have many insultings like this - uniqe and cannot be translated properly.
F7 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Chief Petty Officer

time_bandit_bronze basefinder_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

kreuz_gold budgie
Paranoia Admin
Playtime: 328h
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Verfasst am: 24.11.07 19:19
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Mr. Green

But we need a translation.
Kirki is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 24.11.07 19:27
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CHMO is a Canadian radio station, broadcasting at 1450 AM in Moosonee, Ontario.

Mr. Green
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Sector Admiral

financial_expert_gold time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

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Playtime: 3595h
Webmissions: 174

Beiträge: 572

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Verfasst am: 24.11.07 19:50
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Hmm.. We have another word for "you're a piece of shit".. this is close, but much more offensive.
F7 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden


Playtime: 304h
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Beiträge: 177
Wohnort: Moscow, Russia, OEG

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Verfasst am: 24.11.07 22:59
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Чмо = chmo = useles looser who`s life worths nothing and averybody piss on you

exact translation = person, morally shited (like in toilet) by everyone

easier way - bastard
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Sector Admiral

financial_expert_gold time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

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Playtime: 3595h
Webmissions: 174

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Verfasst am: 24.11.07 23:05
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Yeah, this is exact translation. Thx Render.
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Sector Admiral

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combat_expert_bronze rpgchar

Playtime: 972h
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Verfasst am: 24.11.07 23:11
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Vice Admiral

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Playtime: 1671h
Webmissions: 412

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Wohnort: Hamburg, Freeport!7.2/S4 Abteilung

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Verfasst am: 25.11.07 00:04
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Juhu.. jetzt lernen wir sogar noch russische Beleidigungen ^^.

Never say never!
Rhino: Im VL gibt's Respawn, im RL nicht (außer Du bist Buddhist )
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financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

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Playtime: 2281h
Webmissions: 121

Beiträge: 1291
Wohnort: Hamburg

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Verfasst am: 25.11.07 00:27
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ja, bestimmt der gleiche wie -|||- the light, der kann eh nur rumflamen, haben ihn dann mal rausgevoted

(*-.Kaa.-*) SK a.D.
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Playtime: 310h
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Verfasst am: 25.11.07 14:22
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RenderG hat folgendes geschrieben:
Чмо = chmo = useles looser who`s life worths nothing and averybody piss on you

exact translation = person, morally shited (like in toilet) by everyone

easier way - bastard

krass 4 buchstaben und soviel böses...das is fast wie "bush"^^

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[quote="White-star"]egal hauptsache tot[/quote]
Lasse du Honkytonky
Posted Image, might have been reduced in size. Click Image to view fullscreen. FTW!
Jason is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenMSN Messenger

financial_expert_gold time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

combat_expert_bronze rpgchar

Playtime: 2004h
Webmissions: 243

Beiträge: 7444
Wohnort: Magdeburg

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Verfasst am: 25.11.07 14:56
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du "bush" xD

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ice_cold_death is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden


Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81

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Verfasst am: 26.11.07 01:56
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Whom was it addressed to? F7, you?

PS: chmo is just a moral down. Wink


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Luk is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Sector Admiral

financial_expert_gold time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

combat_expert_gold rpgchar hcl_donation_gold

Playtime: 3595h
Webmissions: 174

Beiträge: 572

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Verfasst am: 26.11.07 09:52
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To me, to aklk, or to any other player in gamma. No matter who you was talking with (with our group, yes), but it's not the first time. Every time you are angry i must hear shitshower from you? Forget me, why other players must hear this? Read rules of this server. No. Insulting. It means that you can be banned if you're insulting anyone. You was. You was unbanned. And you are insulting players again. Any questions?

"PS: chmo is just a moral down."
You can translate this in many ways, but in fact, this is the very offensive word. They beat for this word in Russia. Much and very painful. Right in the face.
F7 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden


Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81

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Verfasst am: 26.11.07 21:35
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First of all, chmo is not more of insult than nap, down etc.

F7 hat folgendes geschrieben:
Read rules of this server.

read - reports are welcomed only from players whom it was addressed to and it wasnt you definitely. Next time use english to speak to me as i dont know russian very well (your abusive threats were left unheared).

F7 hat folgendes geschrieben:
Forget me, why other players must hear this?

why they must here your threats?

If the screen was already posted by F7, I would like to report of abusive behaviour of oeg flex 007 as just logged in he started to threaten me to ban me by casting votes just to feel himself more significant (and not because he suspected me of cheating).


F7 hat folgendes geschrieben:
They beat for this word in Russia. Much and very painful. Right in the face.

In UK they beat for such chmolike avatar as yours.


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Luk is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Chief Petty Officer

time_bandit_bronze basefinder_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

kreuz_gold budgie
Paranoia Admin
Playtime: 328h
Webmissions: 2

Beiträge: 16882
Wohnort: Bochum

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Verfasst am: 26.11.07 21:53
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Admins discussed this incident a little bit longer.

Decision: 5 days Ban for player -|||-The_Light

Reason: Insulting, persistent offender and complaints by several players in the last time.

After unban it's the last chance for you to calm down. If the player don't change his behaviour, then he will get an One-Way-Ban.
Kirki is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Sector Admiral

financial_expert_gold time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

combat_expert_gold rpgchar hcl_donation_gold

Playtime: 3595h
Webmissions: 174

Beiträge: 572

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Verfasst am: 26.11.07 22:06
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First of all, chmo is not more of insult than nap, down etc.

Well, i guess for someone who can so easy offer in local for player to "f**k yourself" it's not a big insult. Confused

read - reports are welcomed only from players whom it was addressed to and it wasnt you definitely. Next time use english to speak to me as i dont know russian very well (your abusive threats were left unheared).

I was in group you were adressing to. Good reason, isn't it? And we both know you are russian, but this is not the case.

why they must here your threats?

If the screen was already posted by F7, I would like to report of abusive behaviour of oeg flex 007 as just logged in he started to threaten me to ban me by casting votes just to feel himself more significant (and not because he suspected me of cheating).

I was suspected you as a cheater, so i was telling you in russian - "use mod or be bannvoted". You understand that very well and answered to us with a proposal to "f**k yourself". Using mod is not a big deal, so any normal player who don't use cheats and don't want to be suspected as a cheater should use them now.

In UK they beat for such chmolike avatar as yours.

I like your avatar too, thx. Smile
F7 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden


Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81

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Verfasst am: 26.11.07 22:22
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didnt get chmo(moral down) is an insult like motherf*cker?

F7 hat folgendes geschrieben:
answered to us with a proposal to "f**k yourself".

I thought we were discussing "chmo"?

"f*ck yourself" was said only after i received 5 votes and was banned for nothing. You know it very well that im not a cheater.
And i dont like mods as it entails streams you cannot control fully.

F7 hat folgendes geschrieben:
I was in group you were adressing to.

i dont know whether you are in a group or not(you are not marked)


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Luk is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Chief Petty Officer

time_bandit_bronze basefinder_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

kreuz_gold budgie
Paranoia Admin
Playtime: 328h
Webmissions: 2

Beiträge: 16882
Wohnort: Bochum

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Verfasst am: 26.11.07 22:26
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Kirki hat folgendes geschrieben:

Reason: Insulting, persistent offender and complaints by several players in the last time.
Kirki is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden


Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81

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Verfasst am: 26.11.07 22:45
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Kirki hat folgendes geschrieben:

... complaints by several players in the last time.

but i didnt see any.

Were they private?


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Luk is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Sector Admiral

financial_expert_gold time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

combat_expert_gold rpgchar hcl_donation_gold

Playtime: 3595h
Webmissions: 174

Beiträge: 572

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Verfasst am: 26.11.07 22:50
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And i dont like mods as it entails streams you cannot control fully.

Streams? What kind of streams? Shocked
F7 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Sector Admiral

financial_expert_gold time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

combat_expert_gold rpgchar hcl_donation_gold

Playtime: 3595h
Webmissions: 174

Beiträge: 572

Beitrag Titel:
Verfasst am: 28.11.07 10:54
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F7 hat folgendes geschrieben:
And i dont like mods as it entails streams you cannot control fully.

Streams? What kind of streams? Shocked

I realy want to know, tell me. Smile
F7 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Sector Admiral

financial_expert_gold time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

combat_expert_bronze rpgchar urgestein_bronze webmission_gold


Playtime: 2489h
Webmissions: 156

Beiträge: 1052

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Verfasst am: 28.11.07 21:41
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I think he mean
1. Autoupdate
2. Anticheat
which you cannot shut down.

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raknaroek is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

Beiträge: 1737

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Verfasst am: 28.11.07 21:58
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der typ is langsam überfällig
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