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 The case of [OWL]Slayer-[x] / Savage No. 2 Nächstes Thema anzeigen
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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

Playtime: 1384h
Webmissions: 132

Beiträge: 1220
Wohnort: Irgendwo in Sirius

Beitrag Titel: The case of [OWL]Slayer-[x] / Savage No. 2
Verfasst am: 10.07.13 19:32
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Dear Community,
the last time Savage was banned it was because of the video we showed you and he was ultimately unbanned because we did not have enough proof.

This time we have solid proof that Savage was cheating.
He was not caught on videos, but by the Servers Anticheat.
The Admins showed us the Cheatlogs and they were quite spammed with his chars. We do not know why he started cheating, and why he increased it after we unbanned him (before there were few logs with lots of time in between, which could have been false positives) but after his unban he was logged nearly every day he was online.
We suspect he thought we would not find out about his cheating or thought his cheats could not be detected after he was unbanned, but this thought was obviously false, Savage now is banned/will be banned very soon and therefore his cheating will be at an end.

Please understand that we and the admins do not wish to share the complete cheatlogs with the community, since they can give cheaters intel on what we log an how. We are sorry for that, but the cheaters do read this forum too and we do not want to help them conceal their actions.

I'm sad that it is necessary to ban even players who played here so long, but when someone starts cheating he looses every right to continue playing here. Cheating is not a small mistake, it destroys the game and spoils the fun of those who play fair and want to have fun with their own skill and experience.

In the name of the HHC Council,
Mormegil - Council Chairman

Mormegil - Eventmanager, Councilvorsitzender
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Webmissions: 580

Beiträge: 11370
Wohnort: Phoenix-Staffel.de

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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 03:30
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Great I gave that idiot money yesterday -.-"

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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 10:26
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Elostirion15 hat folgendes geschrieben:
Great I gave that idiot money yesterday -.-"

Why did you do such a thing? Mr. Green

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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

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Beiträge: 1689

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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 10:30
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You're supporting cheaters? Ban pls! Mr. Green
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Wohnort: Phoenix-Staffel.de

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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 11:02
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I would give you two idiots money too ... so that doesn't count Razz

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Elostirion15 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 12:07
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Dat logs Rolling Eyes
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financial_expert_gold time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 16:20
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Contador hat folgendes geschrieben:
You're supporting cheaters? Ban pls! Mr. Green


You're gonna meet her there,
She's your destination.
You gotta get to her,
She's imagination...

Aung San Suu Kyi to spend 62nd Birthday under house arrest!

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General Jack

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Wohnort: asdasd

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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 18:30
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jeder noob bekommt jetzt geld oder wie .......

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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 18:45
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Hast du was bekommen?
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General Jack

financial_expert_gold time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar urgestein_bronze financial_supporter

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Wohnort: asdasd

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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 19:28
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Hast du nicht vielen Pösen Spielern Geld geschickt? Und Clan intern verteilt?

es hat schon seine Richtigkeit wieso ich nicht mehr hier spiele mit den ganzen Pack.

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Lieutenant Junior Grade

financial_expert_silber jumpholefinder_gold

Playtime: 267h
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Beiträge: 40

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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 19:51
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Wenn es dir hier nicht gefällt wir zwingen dich nicht zu bleiben.

Abgesehen davon, wieso müssen wir uns das gejammer von einem antun der hier nich mehr zockt? Komische Welt
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Petty Officer

financial_expert_bronze rpgchar

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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 20:57
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Elostirion15 hat folgendes geschrieben:
I would give you two idiots money too ... so that doesn't count Razz

Bitte überweisen an [S.T.E.]-*Robo* Cool


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Robokiller92 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold

Playtime: 1522h

Beiträge: 93

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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 23:00
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i guess this will be my last post here but its funny how i got banned for "cheating" when we have all these other guys that fly like patriots how does anyone miss that? or is cause an admin is in a cheater clan? guess currupt for sure but very nice playin with some of you

du hast einen geilen arsch HC danke ! goodbye
SA\/AGE is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

Beiträge: 63

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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 23:04
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so savage
does you used cheats on the hhc Server ?
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financial_expert_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold rpgchar

hcl_gunso_silber hcl_std_bronze

Playtime: 582h
Webmissions: 39

Beiträge: 613

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Verfasst am: 11.07.13 23:25
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epic grammar

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Petty Officer

financial_expert_bronze rpgchar

Playtime: 1116h
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Beiträge: 2442

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Verfasst am: 12.07.13 02:03
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SA\/AGE hat folgendes geschrieben:
i guess this will be my last post here but its funny how i got banned for "cheating" when we have all these other guys that fly like patriots how does anyone miss that?

In my opinion you aren't wrong with that assumption. But you've done wrong with your actions.
Don't cheat when others cheat. Morally it seems to be right but it's making it even worse.

It's only a question of time until many more players feel ripped - especially against players who
have been banned times before and are allowed to play again. Or maybe this is already so.

Bye Savage. Confused

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Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold

Playtime: 1522h

Beiträge: 93

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Verfasst am: 12.07.13 06:38
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before i took a break from FL the last time i was 1 of the best an the fastest now i came back the last time an poeple were really fast an i just thought i need to unrust ..will take a couple weeks..after those weeks past these "good players" are very fast...i knew it was cheating...an they said i wasnt good like i used to...then a player gave me the FPS cheat...i used it an then those BB guys dont seem so good anymore...or vako...i did use the FPS cheat the last 3 weeks an i am sorry for that..i am 1 of the best players on HC period an always will be ..im sorry for using this cheat cause other cheaters were beating me with it so yes i was cheating the least 3 weeks
SA\/AGE is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold

Playtime: 1522h

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Verfasst am: 12.07.13 06:51
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i also wanna say in my defence i only cheated against cheaters.....since i was on HC i pvped against some players that where cheaters..i didnt use it all the time...i used it against lucifier an vako an when i fought BB....all the players that have fought against them know what im talkin about..im always a good player an always will be..im sorry for this mistake...i hope all this wil get fixed
SA\/AGE is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Rear Admiral

financial_expert_gold time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar urgestein_bronze

Playtime: 2673h
Webmissions: 58

Beiträge: 857

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Verfasst am: 12.07.13 07:20
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it can't be the right way, that all sides are upgrading cheats all the time. There are many cheaters on HHC - and we all know that. But we have to detect them, instead of start cheating, too! The problem is, that in FL is a little tolerance between normal and cheating. But the council starts to work efficient now.... like in this case! Never thought of you, that you have to use this stuff! Head down man!


HHC Council Member
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Lieutenant Junior Grade

time_bandit_gold basefinder_silber jumpholefinder_bronze rpgchar

Playtime: 3037h
Webmissions: 307

Beiträge: 812
Wohnort: Darmstadt

Beitrag Titel:
Verfasst am: 12.07.13 07:53
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SA\/AGE hat folgendes geschrieben:
i also wanna say in my defence i only cheated against cheaters.....since i was on HC i pvped against some players that where cheaters..i didnt use it all the time...i used it against lucifier an vako an when i fought BB....all the players that have fought against them know what im talkin about..im always a good player an always will be..im sorry for this mistake...i hope all this wil get fixed

For your Defence you should tell us the Source of your cheat.

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...wurde heute mehrmals von usaf getagtn chars in neu berlin angegriffn halb zu tode gerammt permanent schild downgeballert und abgeschossen worden und das auf LVL1!!!!! ....
Hossa is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Vice Admiral

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar hcl_gunso_silber hcl_std_silber hcl_donation_silber

Playtime: 958h
Webmissions: 14

Beiträge: 1689

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Verfasst am: 12.07.13 09:27
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You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

Evil hat folgendes geschrieben:
But the council starts to work efficient now

Is it worth to praise yourself because of obviously cheatlogs? Rolling Eyes
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Rear Admiral

financial_expert_gold time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar urgestein_bronze

Playtime: 2673h
Webmissions: 58

Beiträge: 857

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Verfasst am: 12.07.13 10:12
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there was more than cheatlogs


HHC Council Member
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Vice Admiral

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar financial_supporter

Playtime: 6687h
Webmissions: 634

Beiträge: 910
Wohnort: Planet New Tokyo / Scotland

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Verfasst am: 12.07.13 10:34
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Disappointed Savage, you have played this game from beginning, I knew you on Jolt and there were many cheaters back then, you flew in a clan OWL with two of the biggest in Cleaver and Hairy, yet as far as I am aware you never gave in to temptation.

A better choice would have been to to let admins know as soon as you had access to cheats and also give the name of those who supplied them, these guys are the real enemy of this game.

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Not all Tedi`s are cute and cudly!!! click here
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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold rpgchar financial_supporter

Playtime: 4668h
Webmissions: 158

Beiträge: 1020
Wohnort: Vogeltopia

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Verfasst am: 12.07.13 13:13
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So you started cheating because you suspected others of cheating without having proofs - thats a poor move. Well nvm, hf on disco.

You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo

"Ich lagge nicht, ich mache produktive Bewegungen"
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Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold

Playtime: 1522h

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Verfasst am: 12.07.13 19:57
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i heard of videos given to admins of turm an mondrabe of they cheating..its pretty aviouse they super cheat ..ask anyone who fights against them that isnt in BB...they are still around nothin has happend ....funny how i did this for a very short amount of time an got caught for it when they have been doing it for what? long time? since i came back which is umm 3-4 months? i admited i should not have done it but its a little weird how this all played out
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