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 <|Ross|>Doru and steluta Nächstes Thema anzeigen
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Sector Admiral

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Playtime: 2929h
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Wohnort: Braunschweig

Beitrag Titel: <|Ross|>Doru and steluta
Verfasst am: 01.02.10 01:15
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first i saw steluta getting kicked of cheating day by day (sometimes 5 times an hour), over a period of 1 week, before mod update and also today after

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then some days ago i saw them farming weapons and moving money with lallas (char: implosion, explosion) in minor, which caught my attention

so i decided to look a bit closer and intercepted them in alpha and killing them, and suddenly they began to arguing why i kill them, so i told them its because of their connection to lallas and parts of wolfs

and then some minutes later the flame began, me just telling them its routine that you get killed in alpha especially when you have enemy as friends
but they didnt stop it and a day later the got to the level i think its not even funny anymore :

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so please do something about this kind of hardcore flaming and check the transfers of char steluta if there is maybe something wrong too (about 20-25 cheatkicks while i was on server last days, and lvl climbing) or other people involved

btw this was all watched by killswitch, smd, firebird and so on if you need others to confirm this

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Zuletzt bearbeitet von Balllaman am 01.02.10 01:31, insgesamt 4-mal bearbeitet
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Petty Officer

time_bandit_silber rpgchar

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Beiträge: 273
Wohnort: East Kent, UK

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Verfasst am: 01.02.10 01:19
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Yes please. I don't care about <|RoSS|>Doru, please just get rid of steluta at the very least. I am sick of the shit I have to put up with in Alpha now.

HaHa Asuka

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aka. Asphyxiation / The~Rapture
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financial_expert_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold rpgchar


Playtime: 1720h
Webmissions: 37

Beiträge: 1229
Wohnort: offizieller Meinungsverstärker für unerwünschte Minderheiten

Beitrag Titel:
Verfasst am: 01.02.10 01:32
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falls gewünscht wird, ich hab von den beiden auch noch diverse screens.
die sind recht "aufbrausend".

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Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
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Fleet Captain

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rpgchar urgestein_gold hcl_donation_platin race_expert_gold

bounty_hunter_bronze kreuz_bronze
... und noch ein Deppenadmin
Playtime: 2594h
Webmissions: 110

Beiträge: 1599
Wohnort: New Providence

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Verfasst am: 01.02.10 01:55
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Both banned.


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Wenn ich die Augen schließe sehe ich Blumen.
- Staga
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financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar urgestein_gold financial_supporter kreuz_gold

Playtime: 947h
Webmissions: 183

Beiträge: 8384

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Verfasst am: 01.02.10 09:52
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Please respect the "Code of behaviour"

Two posts deleted
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Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

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Playtime: 1086h
Webmissions: 8

Beiträge: 508
Wohnort: New Providence

Beitrag Titel:
Verfasst am: 01.02.10 11:38
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ich könnte von steluta und Doru auch nette screens senden.......... warum sind hier soviele themen über die beide offen habe vor 2 Wochen schon bann antrag gestellt wo nichts passiert ist......

Ein wenig von mir
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financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold


Playtime: 3184h
Webmissions: 28

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Verfasst am: 01.02.10 18:35
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why you cry blablaman? Very Happy
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Petty Officer

time_bandit_silber rpgchar

Playtime: 864h
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Beiträge: 273
Wohnort: East Kent, UK

Beitrag Titel:
Verfasst am: 01.02.10 19:29
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Dilizaur, find something to contribute or shut up.

HaHa Asuka

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aka. Asphyxiation / The~Rapture
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Webmissions: 10

Beiträge: 17

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Verfasst am: 15.06.10 15:39
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What a noob he can't even spell right
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