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Petty Officer

time_bandit_silber rpgchar

Playtime: 864h
Webmissions: 2

Beiträge: 273
Wohnort: East Kent, UK

Beitrag Titel: I told him to calm down...
Verfasst am: 12.01.10 18:31
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...Instead he got kinda serious with insulting. You just don't say that kinda thing...

Ah and there are repeated instances of him calling their party cµnts as well. ^^

@ Balla (if you read this): neat right there Razz

HaHa Asuka

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aka. Asphyxiation / The~Rapture
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Verfasst am: 12.01.10 18:46
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hehe i was there too, saw what oxydo wrote, has nothing to do with gaming...

well, ok he got killed by ze germanz a lot, so maybe only a short break, to learn from it

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Die Bloedbacke
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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold rpgchar hcl_gunso_gold


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Wohnort: Herten

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Verfasst am: 12.01.10 19:15
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In Alpha he called me a moron :/

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Chief Petty Officer

time_bandit_bronze basefinder_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

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Paranoia Admin
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Verfasst am: 12.01.10 21:55
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Kirki is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden


Playtime: 6h

Beiträge: 49

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Verfasst am: 12.01.10 22:16
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Der -=]Remix[=- Clan entschuldigt sich für das verhalten des trial members.

Wir hoffen das ein derartiger vorfall nicht mehr Vorkommen wird.
-=]Remix[=- is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 12.01.10 22:17
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Sry guys caz of this he is be oure trial...sry
Saintsy-Boy is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 13.01.10 05:38
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Ok, maybe I went too far, so I want to apologize to the players and the mods, and lastly my clanmates (acting like fannies, nhf). However, I didn't say they were ****'s because they're German. ****'s acted the way they did with me, could've at least told me why were they killing me, cun... nevermind.

Still think you're a bunch of pathetic cowards, though. Don't take it as an insult
OxyDo is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 13.01.10 05:40
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Die Bloedbacke hat folgendes geschrieben:
In Alpha he called me a moron :/

I never even entered Alpha, you lying cretin, prove it! Don't even know who the **** are you.
OxyDo is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Fleet Captain

financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar urgestein_gold hcl_donation_platin race_expert_gold

bounty_hunter_bronze kreuz_bronze
... und noch ein Deppenadmin
Playtime: 2594h
Webmissions: 110

Beiträge: 1599
Wohnort: New Providence

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Verfasst am: 13.01.10 09:08
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Continuing to throw around insults while trying to apologize won't help your case. We will discuss if and when you'll get an unban.


Sponsored by: Milchmann & Ugluk

Wenn ich die Augen schließe sehe ich Blumen.
- Staga
Saviour is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 13.01.10 10:20
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Saviour hat folgendes geschrieben:
Continuing to throw around insults while trying to apologize won't help your case. We will discuss if and when you'll get an unban.

I have a mild case of Tourette syndrome.

Not sure posts were affected by it, though. Imo, it was all true. I'll refrain writing insults to "Die Bloedbacke" in this post.

However, I would like to stress that the "****" ones were because of behaviour not nationality.

P.S. Can somebody ffs tell me why were they having a field day every time I docked out?
OxyDo is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Petty Officer

time_bandit_silber rpgchar

Playtime: 864h
Webmissions: 2

Beiträge: 273
Wohnort: East Kent, UK

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Verfasst am: 13.01.10 14:19
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I have ADHD and high-functioning Autism. Keep yourself calm and controlled at all times.

They're always having a field day. It's their job to shoot people mercilessly, just yours to take an effort to shoot back.

HaHa Asuka

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aka. Asphyxiation / The~Rapture
Killswitch is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Die Bloedbacke
Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold rpgchar hcl_gunso_gold


Playtime: 1843h
Webmissions: 50

Beiträge: 1264
Wohnort: Herten

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Verfasst am: 13.01.10 14:44
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OxyDo hat folgendes geschrieben:
Die Bloedbacke hat folgendes geschrieben:
In Alpha he called me a moron :/

I never even entered Alpha, you lying cretin, prove it! Don't even know who the **** are you.

I apologise too, it was the false thread where i post my crap Mr. Green

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Die Bloedbacke is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

Beiträge: 85

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Verfasst am: 13.01.10 15:46
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OxyDo hat folgendes geschrieben:
Die Bloedbacke hat folgendes geschrieben:
In Alpha he called me a moron :/

I never even entered Alpha, you lying cretin, prove it! Don't even know who the **** are you.

Continuously replying like that will only get you into trouble.If you can't stand the heat don't play the game.
-Faith[x]- is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Chief Petty Officer

financial_expert_bronze basefinder_bronze rpgchar

Playtime: 265h
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Beiträge: 568

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Verfasst am: 13.01.10 16:29
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Ok will we now please stop saying how bad he is? I think the admins know enough and they will decide what happens.

OxyDo, I know that it's hard to live with a psycological handycap. I have ADD and concentration impairment. We should respect eachother for our handicaps. Also the people who are lucky enough to not have anything like that, respect for each other is important, despite what happens. Killswitch I hope that you can forgive him.

And OxyDo, can you please tell me if you were in fight when you insulted him? Because your Tourette syndrome may affect you when you have an increased adrenalin level.
noobitrader is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden


Playtime: 6h

Beiträge: 49

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Verfasst am: 13.01.10 18:51
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Its enough you went too far!

we kicked you from clan because we won't accept somebody in clan who is flaming!
-=]Remix[=- is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Fleet Captain

financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar urgestein_gold hcl_donation_platin race_expert_gold

bounty_hunter_bronze kreuz_bronze
... und noch ein Deppenadmin
Playtime: 2594h
Webmissions: 110

Beiträge: 1599
Wohnort: New Providence

Beitrag Titel:
Verfasst am: 13.01.10 19:36
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Posts from not involved persons are not allowed here.


Sponsored by: Milchmann & Ugluk

Wenn ich die Augen schließe sehe ich Blumen.
- Staga
Saviour is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

Beiträge: 4

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Verfasst am: 14.01.10 15:31
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noobitrader hat folgendes geschrieben:

And OxyDo, can you please tell me if you were in fight when you insulted him? Because your Tourette syndrome may affect you when you have an increased adrenalin level.

Well all I know is, I'm at FP9 trying to find out where do I need to go to buy a turret, and I'm carrying two extra guns for hunting Nomads, cause Tizonas don't do shit to them. Then out of nowhere, this bastard shoots me down, I lose my guns, and I'm being killed every time I try to dock out. Fucking frustrating.

As for you wankers, I don't give a shit I don't want to be in a pansy clan anyways. I'll give you your guns back when/if I'm unbanned. _I_
OxyDo is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Fleet Captain

financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar urgestein_gold hcl_donation_platin race_expert_gold

bounty_hunter_bronze kreuz_bronze
... und noch ein Deppenadmin
Playtime: 2594h
Webmissions: 110

Beiträge: 1599
Wohnort: New Providence

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Verfasst am: 14.01.10 16:06
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You won't be unbanned.



Sponsored by: Milchmann & Ugluk

Wenn ich die Augen schließe sehe ich Blumen.
- Staga
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