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Vice Admiral

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar financial_supporter

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Beitrag Titel: Racist accusations
Verfasst am: 14.09.08 01:37
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I have sat on these screenshots for a week but after recieving a 3rd pm asking if this was true I have had enough

There are no screenshots I know they dont exist, this is just a pathetic attempt at trying to turn some of my German friends against me and in my opinion this is just as bad as calling someone a ****

I wont say here the identity of who was in charge of Golden Hinde at the time of these screen shots, this can be disclosed if required as several people were witness to the conversation and the char switch a short time after

I have never posted screenshots before in this forum, I give as good as I get when it comes to flame, I have insulted several people after being provoked and I dont claim to be an angel, but racist comments like this are simply not my thing

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Verfasst am: 14.09.08 22:13
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Well Tedi as far as i know you, u dont need to call uSF n***, baceuse u own them, maybe its act of desperation because they cant own you Razz

Anyway uSF are leading in rascist comments, they prooved it to many times^^


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Verfasst am: 14.09.08 22:22
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Ko[M]aR hat folgendes geschrieben:
Well Tedi as far as i know you, u dont need to call uSF n***, baceuse u own them, maybe its act of desperation because they cant own you Razz

Anyway uSF are leading in rascist comments, they prooved it to many times^^

Pointless flame, second one.


You ignored first warning, you don't get a second one. Banned
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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_bronze basefinder_bronze jumpholefinder_bronze


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Verfasst am: 15.09.08 05:07
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what the **** is goin on?
i dunno why somebody of uSF is talkin such crap in chat; i would like to see him sayin a lil "erm, i´m sorry!"

but this is so ridiculous!
i dont get why you are handlin such shit on the board???

i will ask for a internal statement.
calm down folks, nothin happened!
and i´m sure there was no intention to make your "german friends" go mutiny.

Info will follow.

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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_bronze basefinder_bronze jumpholefinder_bronze


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Verfasst am: 15.09.08 06:48
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as far as i´ve been told, is the whole situation already in clearing.
- end of com. -

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Verfasst am: 15.09.08 12:53
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Ryokai hat folgendes geschrieben:
but this is so ridiculous!
i dont get why you are handlin such shit on the board???

I can think of a few reasons why:

* Flaming, insults, comments are things tedi lets pass and don't bother about. There's a limit to everything, where things go from heated discussions to comments like this one.

* When someone has a screen shot of racist remarks, you post them or give them to an admin. I was there, talking in PMs with the guy in charge of hinde who said the following : "it's more fun this way".

* Being accused of being a racist, and to clear this up he posted here instead of talking with your superiors. We both know nothing would be done if he didnt post here.

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Verfasst am: 15.09.08 13:02
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but this is so ridiculous!
i dont get why you are handlin such shit on the board???

Like PreZidenT said, plus tedi didnt want to post them till he got annoyed by PMs from some ppl who werent sure about the thing - and I dont count the ones who believed it. I also think, that the didnt tell it to other ppl only once.

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Verfasst am: 15.09.08 22:53
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Yes i was annoyed at being accused of something I did not do

But I await patiently a responce / apology from uSf and some input from admins if they think this type of stuff is acceptable or not

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Verfasst am: 17.09.08 11:23
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Kirki hat folgendes geschrieben:
Ko[M]aR hat folgendes geschrieben:
Well Tedi as far as i know you, u dont need to call uSF n***, baceuse u own them, maybe its act of desperation because they cant own you Razz

Anyway uSF are leading in rascist comments, they prooved it to many times^^

Pointless flame, second one.


You ignored first warning, you don't get a second one. Banned

Kirki, sweety, could you please tell me, so this rule was abandonned or not?
Because another admin told me recently that it was abandoned:

Nosferatu hat folgendes geschrieben:

That rule was abandoned but for the moment enough has been said

So in some cases you (admins) say its abandoned and in other cases you ban for it - looks a little bit tricky Wink


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Verfasst am: 17.09.08 11:36
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Rules change. This one came back 9 days ago. Dealing with all those pointless flame started to be to annoying
Nosferatu is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden


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Verfasst am: 17.09.08 11:39
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Oops, sorry then and thnx for clearing this out.


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Luk is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Vice Admiral

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Verfasst am: 17.09.08 23:16
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Since there is no responce from admins nor uSF, I will take it that its perfectly ok to accuse someone of being racist "just for fun"

Close pls !!

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Not all Tedi`s are cute and cudly!!! click here
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Verfasst am: 21.09.08 21:32
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Tedi hat folgendes geschrieben:
Since there is no responce from admins nor uSF, I will take it that its perfectly ok to accuse someone of being racist "just for fun"

Close pls !!

Raises some delicate questions if you ask me.

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PreZiDenT is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden


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Verfasst am: 21.09.08 21:49
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Tedi hat folgendes geschrieben:

Close pls !!

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