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 Twatman ^^ Nächstes Thema anzeigen
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Sector Admiral

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combat_expert_gold rpgchar hcl_gunso_silber hcl_std_gold

urgestein_silber hcl_donation_gold bounty_hunter_bronze

Playtime: 2036h
Webmissions: 117

Beiträge: 3322
Wohnort: Berlin

Beitrag Titel: Twatman ^^
Verfasst am: 07.09.08 02:10
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Manche finden es zwar fies getaxt zu werden aber direkt so auszuticken ist nicht toll. ^^

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Ihn zu bannen wär für ihn ja aber eh kein Problem da :

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Remember :

Hard work always beats skill until skill works hard.
~Delta-Proxima~ is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_silber basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar urgestein_gold financial_supporter kreuz_gold

Playtime: 947h
Webmissions: 183

Beiträge: 8384

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Verfasst am: 07.09.08 02:33
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Komisch, an Wochenenden spät nachts nochmal ins Forum schaun bring nie was gutes.
Aber egal

Banned. Mal schaun was er dazu zu sagen hat

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Nosferatu am 07.09.08 11:10, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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Sector Admiral

rangmaster time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

combat_expert_gold rpgchar hcl_gunso_silber hcl_std_gold

urgestein_silber hcl_donation_gold bounty_hunter_bronze

Playtime: 2036h
Webmissions: 117

Beiträge: 3322
Wohnort: Berlin

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Verfasst am: 07.09.08 11:03
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Macht es einen Unterschied wann man es postet ? War halt dann akut und ich muss mich halt nicht so beleidigen lassen. ^^
Sonst heißt es irgendwann wieder Sreens sind 2 Tage alt oder so dann doch lieber direkt

Remember :

Hard work always beats skill until skill works hard.
~Delta-Proxima~ is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

Beiträge: 450
Wohnort: Hamburg

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Verfasst am: 07.09.08 11:25
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(P)ersonality (O)f (M)ultiple (P)ersons
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Lieutenant Junior Grade

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_bronze jumpholefinder_bronze rpgchar

Playtime: 855h
Webmissions: 39

Beiträge: 809

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Verfasst am: 07.09.08 12:25
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pomp hat folgendes geschrieben:
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Was is das denn wenn ich fragen darf?

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suum cuique
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Die Bloedbacke
Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold rpgchar hcl_gunso_gold


Playtime: 1843h
Webmissions: 50

Beiträge: 1264
Wohnort: Herten

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Verfasst am: 07.09.08 12:28
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Du kennst keine Taschentücher ? >.>

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Pilot Officer

financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold

Playtime: 1024h
Webmissions: 2

Beiträge: 471
Wohnort: on your six

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Verfasst am: 07.09.08 13:08
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cool guy xD


Für Originalgröße auf das Bild klicken.

Western Alliance - 317th SCYTHERS Squadron
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financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar hcl_donation_bronze

Playtime: 942h
Webmissions: 45

Beiträge: 658

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Verfasst am: 07.09.08 14:15
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An sich schon die RL drohung ist Bannwürdig, dazu noch geflame.. leute das is hier nich zumutbar Very Happy
[CFF]-Silverfighter is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
stormy stan
Cadet (Senior) 1st Class

Playtime: 29h
Webmissions: 11

Beiträge: 226

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Verfasst am: 07.09.08 14:17
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wissen wir...wir spammen ja auch nua rum bevor es geclosed wird^^
spam spam spam spam spam spam spam...^^

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Chief Petty Officer

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kreuz_gold budgie
Paranoia Admin
Playtime: 328h
Webmissions: 2

Beiträge: 16882
Wohnort: Bochum

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Verfasst am: 07.09.08 14:23
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So und der nächste der hier Schwachsinn reinschreibt, kann sich direkt nen Forumban abholen.
Kirki is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

Beiträge: 24
Wohnort: Köln

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Verfasst am: 07.09.08 15:16
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AttaTürk is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Chief Petty Officer

time_bandit_bronze basefinder_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

kreuz_gold budgie
Paranoia Admin
Playtime: 328h
Webmissions: 2

Beiträge: 16882
Wohnort: Bochum

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Verfasst am: 07.09.08 15:19
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Und tschüss. Banned Selbst schuld...
Kirki is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Fleet Captain

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold basefinder_bronze jumpholefinder_silber


Playtime: 2237h
Webmissions: 1

Beiträge: 952

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Verfasst am: 07.09.08 22:21
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Twatman sended me this message:
I have seen the screenshots on the hamburg city server website, they are lies. The only thing that is true, that I said, was in the first screenshot. I asked him to leave me alone, he said pay 500k. After this I did not say anything else!! I am not racist, I am not an asshole, I only asked him to leave me alone, I managed to escape without paying 500k so I think this is why he made up these lies. Anyone with paint shop pro and or image editing system can fake screenshots. This is not fair, no one even asked me if I did say those things. I would respond on the hamburg city website, but unfortunately I do not speak German, so I cannot understand how to register on the forums to post anything. I am sorry for this mess, but I did not say those things!

Are there maybe some logs of chats that would confirm this ?

Western Alliance - 301st TCEagles Squadron

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[TCEagles]crashbx is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold jumpholefinder_bronze rpgchar

urgestein_gold hcl04_silber developer kreuz_gold

Deppenadmin² und sich damit abgefunden !
Playtime: 1008h
Webmissions: 8

Beiträge: 9024
Wohnort: Heidelberg

Beitrag Titel:
Verfasst am: 07.09.08 22:48
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The screens are not faked.

aka chaosgrid
w0dk4 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar hcl_gunso_silber hcl_std_silber hcl_donation_silber


Playtime: 1086h
Webmissions: 8

Beiträge: 508
Wohnort: New Providence

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Verfasst am: 07.09.08 23:53
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das man RL mit Game nich unterscheiden kann is schon traurig
<Crow> is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

Beiträge: 4

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Verfasst am: 08.09.08 01:33
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These are so Fake I was there and I am Twatmans clan leader. These comments were never made not too mention this is the only server my whole clan plans on and twat man was the one who brought us all here. Perhaps I should share some photoshop screens of other players and get them kicked. This guy would never ever say these comments its is tottally out of his character... I would like to see this ban lefted right away!
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Verfasst am: 08.09.08 02:01
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I agree with your comments d1l1, I have gamed with twatman for three years and know him personaly. The racest comment is not his style. The comment that he hates the server is a real joke because this is the only server we play on.

IMO you better take a close look at ~hosokawa~ he is not telling the truth
screen can be faked
remove the ban
Superbo is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold jumpholefinder_bronze rpgchar

urgestein_gold hcl04_silber developer kreuz_gold

Deppenadmin² und sich damit abgefunden !
Playtime: 1008h
Webmissions: 8

Beiträge: 9024
Wohnort: Heidelberg

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Verfasst am: 08.09.08 02:25
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Are you trying to make fun of me?

aka chaosgrid
w0dk4 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 08.09.08 02:39
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No I ran them in xray gaming they have been photo shopped!!! I don't poke fun about racist comments... this is a serious matter!!!
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Deppenadmin a.D.

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Verfasst am: 08.09.08 05:43
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Rolling Eyes
I think woody's chat-logs says something else
Crankz is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Vice Admiral

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold

rpgchar financial_supporter

Playtime: 6687h
Webmissions: 634

Beiträge: 910
Wohnort: Planet New Tokyo / Scotland

Beitrag Titel:
Verfasst am: 08.09.08 10:52
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Real life threats go beyond normal insults and if true should be banned

I would not think it beyond Delta to photoshop screen shots, its extremely easy to do, Woddie can check this easily enough in the chat logs, however I have also seen people create false nicks and then proceed to heavy insult in chat in an attempt to have someone banned, I would check the nicks carefully to be absolutely sure....in this case

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Not all Tedi`s are cute and cudly!!! click here
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Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_bronze time_bandit_gold basefinder_gold jumpholefinder_gold


Playtime: 3030h
Webmissions: 56

Beiträge: 2796
Wohnort: Sin-City // Honshu System

Beitrag Titel:
Verfasst am: 08.09.08 11:07
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d1l1 hat folgendes geschrieben:
No I ran them in xray gaming they have been photo shopped!!! I don't poke fun about racist comments... this is a serious matter!!!

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Rolling Eyes

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When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change!
[APHEX] is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

Beiträge: 296
Wohnort: Denmark

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Verfasst am: 08.09.08 17:14
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Delta when exactly this happend ?
Anshar is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 08.09.08 17:27
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And where is this guy who posted this he has not come back to defend himself or even better yet where is his chat to Twatman? and as for xray I sent the screens to an xray admin and he informed me about the photo shop and told me how I could do the same if I would like...Obviously The admins need to take a serious look at some of the players on thier server. This was to take place Saturday night Sept 6th around 8pm EST or so cause that was the last time I was on the server before going away for the weekend
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Cadet (Senior) 1st Class

hcl_donation_bronze financial_supporter

Playtime: 24h
Webmissions: 274

Beiträge: 1364
Wohnort: Klagenfurt

Beitrag Titel:
Verfasst am: 08.09.08 17:36
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sory for getting in here, but i am curious:
are the IP adresses of d1|1 and superbo the same?

and w0dk4, just c&p the chatlog, so everyone can see the facts.


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