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Beiträge: 60
Wohnort: Amsterdam
Titel: banned ?
Verfasst am: 01.06.08 21:03
euh hello i was just going to crete in gamma when all of a sudden i get kicked of the server i try to reloadand they tell me i am banned , for some reason wish i dont know :s
plz just unban me or give me a good reason to why i am banned |

Beiträge: 60
Wohnort: Amsterdam
Verfasst am: 01.06.08 21:04
ok just found out why for insulting , ok so i sayd asshole once i got a warning i'm sorry
just let me back on :s(i had 2 insult warnings left) |

Webmissions: 29

Beiträge: 2048
Verfasst am: 01.06.08 21:07
You're sure, that we'll let you go back onto the server after this mother+horse and "you're naz.i" stuff? oO |

Beiträge: 60
Wohnort: Amsterdam
Verfasst am: 01.06.08 21:10
hunk :s
mother+horse and "you're naz.i" stuff? oO
i dont think i saidsomething like that maybe my brother on another char but not me :s
and if so that stll would have been just a warning |

Beiträge: 60
Wohnort: Amsterdam
Verfasst am: 01.06.08 21:15
i can prove to you that i'm not like that but not when i'm flying around in crappy hg battlegrounds , can i ?
plz dont ban me forsomething i cant even remember ilove the gameand hhc (and i dont like kissing ass) |

Webmissions: 29

Beiträge: 2048
Verfasst am: 01.06.08 21:19

Beiträge: 60
Wohnort: Amsterdam
Verfasst am: 01.06.08 21:21
point taken
plz give me another chance
i cant like not play hhc i play all the time i love it
btw i'm srry for mebeing so frank but these are just 2 insults (the server allows me to make 3 errors like this) |

Beiträge: 60
Wohnort: Amsterdam
Verfasst am: 01.06.08 21:36
i really am sorry for the things i said , i never tought this would happen , my whole world (around freelancer) now colapsed andi dot want to stop playing
if i would be allowed back in i would appoligise to the ppl i insulted (even thoughthey are hostile:P)
i really like the server theres noother that sattisfies me like this one maybea ban for now isnt that bad of an idea since i have exames comming up but after that i would like to be able to play (friendly) plz hhc i really wannne get back on board , give me a chance and i shall prove to be worthy of your mercy |
Sector Admiral



Playtime: 2036h
Webmissions: 117

Beiträge: 3322
Wohnort: Berlin
Verfasst am: 01.06.08 21:43
The first time ?  |
_________________ Remember :
Hard work always beats skill until skill works hard. |

Webmissions: 93

Beiträge: 154
Wohnort: Slovenia
Verfasst am: 01.06.08 21:49
thats for minor insults not like those, you have to learn to control yourself.
Ban catalouge |
Vice Admiral


Playtime: 6687h
Webmissions: 634

Beiträge: 910
Wohnort: Planet New Tokyo / Scotland
Verfasst am: 01.06.08 22:06
Not cool to be calling anyone names like that....looooong cooling off period required |
Not all Tedi`s are cute and cudly!!! click here |


Playtime: 2703h
Webmissions: 645

Beiträge: 3567
Wohnort: Fearsome Secret
Verfasst am: 01.06.08 22:21
hachebe hat folgendes geschrieben: | hunk :s
mother+horse and "you're naz.i" stuff? oO
i dont think i saidsomething like that maybe my brother on another char but not me :s
and if so that stll would have been just a warning |
I dont like lies that your brother played , or something like your hamster had the flu ...
Be honest at start and the results may be less painfull ... |
Wolfs Forum
The Starport |


Playtime: 1134h
Webmissions: 32

Beiträge: 1645
Wohnort: Berlin
Verfasst am: 01.06.08 22:30
1. Try to write real sentences, if you don't know how, contact your English teacher
2. This is a game. A game always has rules, and most intelligent persons know at least the shape of these
3. If you have such aggressions you should listen to good music or visit a psychologist, and not fight outnumbered
There are other Servers than HC and other games than Freelancer.
Look on the good side: You now know that heavy insulting isn't likely to help you. |
Koan - When the Silence is Speaking |
Sector Admiral


Playtime: 3595h
Webmissions: 174

Beiträge: 572
Verfasst am: 01.06.08 23:13
Nice. Angry teenager, classic example.  |
Chief Petty Officer


Playtime: 824h
Webmissions: 134

Beiträge: 854
Wohnort: Fearsome secret
Verfasst am: 02.06.08 00:45
F7 hat folgendes geschrieben: | Nice. Angry teenager, classic example.  |
todays youth ffs |
 Dracco hat folgendes geschrieben: | when i get back im gonna stay 48 hours online. per day! |  |
Lieutenant Junior Grade


Playtime: 1659h
Webmissions: 23

Beiträge: 582
Verfasst am: 02.06.08 14:17
FalCoN[SVK] hat folgendes geschrieben: | F7 hat folgendes geschrieben: | Nice. Angry teenager, classic example.  |
todays youth ffs |
You think this is funny  |

Beiträge: 60
Wohnort: Amsterdam
Verfasst am: 02.06.08 19:06
i could tell u guys the same thing i told my clanleader but it wouldn't make anny difference
i know i was wrong at that time i didnt , i dont need confirmation about that
if you want to make someone feel bad go to youtube and look up gaygod, he'll be evrything you wished for |

Beiträge: 67
Verfasst am: 02.06.08 19:21
Actualy i think that after 1 week or so u should let him back.
I admit that i said some pretty nasty things and i'm still wondering why u aren't asking ban for me.That's why i decided to quit for a while and to apologize to all i insulted.
For me now .. thing look pretty fucked up .. so i wish ya all the good in the world and unban this guy after 1 week or so ...
Hope to see ya all later here and CU! |
Marshall D. Teach

Beiträge: 1524
Wohnort: Rüthen
Verfasst am: 02.06.08 19:23
Another Ban which is discussed by to many people  |
Ausgewandert nach Elona/Tyria/Cantha...
Ingame: Nekros Skullcrusher
Xfire: captainblack1987 |

Beiträge: 5103
Verfasst am: 02.06.08 20:29
for that n.zi stuff he gots oneway ban (because n.zi = racissm = one way ban = no unban = he has to start a new ID).
hf for paying new chars.
pretty discusting that still some dumbheads are thinking that germans are after 60 years still all n.zis. |
_________________ mfg Landa |
Lieutenant Junior Grade


Playtime: 1659h
Webmissions: 23

Beiträge: 582
Verfasst am: 02.06.08 20:33
I think even with an other ID he will gets banned, or did i get this wrong. |
Pilot Officer

Playtime: 1024h
Webmissions: 2

Beiträge: 471
Wohnort: on your six
Verfasst am: 02.06.08 20:37
landalas hat folgendes geschrieben: | pretty discusting that still some dumbheads are thinking that germans are after 60 years still all n.zis. |
lol everyone knows that 2nd world war is over
dont take it as defending him, but in other countries calling someone n...
is similar like: comunist |
 Für Originalgröße auf das Bild klicken.
Western Alliance - 317th SCYTHERS Squadron |

Beiträge: 67
Verfasst am: 02.06.08 20:42
So u say is racism ? How about calling all polish or romanians lagger cuz of 1 guy ? isn't that racism ? how about calling a romanian or polish noob because he is romanian or polish ? isn't that racism ? |

Beiträge: 5103
Verfasst am: 02.06.08 21:17
erm lol.
evrybody is called a noob. even me. or lagger. that isnt racism.
but n.zi IS racism. "noob" and lagger are words which are used hundrets of time in a game. "noob" is a word for "newby". is there somthin racism? or "lagger"="lag"=low internet speed and the enemy is hopping around.
anything racism?
and n.zi is against germans.
do u know what that for an insult is? do you know how hard that insult is? this insult is much harder than somthin like m*therf*cker! because they did 60 years ago such bad things. god damn it!
euphoria tell your clan they should look after they´re members. rly discusting that every german who is better than somebody has to be called a n.zi. rly i start feeling pissed about this. how dumb people are and you are defending that!
rly i´m out of this crap. have a nice day dude. |
_________________ mfg Landa |
Petty Officer

Playtime: 236h
Beiträge: 277
Wohnort: the Netherlands
Verfasst am: 02.06.08 21:46
Ko[M]aR hat folgendes geschrieben: | landalas hat folgendes geschrieben: | pretty discusting that still some dumbheads are thinking that germans are after 60 years still all n.zis. |
lol everyone knows that 2nd world war is over
dont take it as defending him, but in other countries calling someone n...
is similar like: comunist |
I can ensure you if you start referring to Germans as n.zis in this country (Netherlands) you'll get into big trouble here.  |