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 adminz ban plz ! Nächstes Thema anzeigen
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Beiträge: 6
Wohnort: Vraca , Bulgaria

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Verfasst am: 09.05.07 20:34
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First I was talking about the users not the admins by saing noobs
Second yes it's not forbiden but you killed him WITHOUT A REASON he didn't shoot you he didn't insulted you before....
Third I will play where ever I wan't you can't tell me where to play.....
Forth I insulted you becouse you are like a baby "he insulted me bann him" some users insulted me but I didn nothing and i didn't say it to admin....if the admines bann me i'll go to nother server this isn't the only server.....
And Five I will kick your big but in the game and I DIDN'T INSULTED YOUR MOTHER

Oh and another thing many people are killing me just for fun but i'm not talking becous i'm not a baby.....everyone in this server is against me only the people of OEG are friendly they are very good guys and I hope to become one of them then I will hunt you....
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Verfasst am: 09.05.07 20:59
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sure, this is not the only server but the best! ^^

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Laser an!

Zuletzt bearbeitet von [Borg]-FXMayor am 09.05.07 20:59, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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Verfasst am: 09.05.07 20:59
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BioCrisis hat folgendes geschrieben:
y "he insulted me bann him" some users insulted me but I didn nothing and i didn't say it to adminI ....DIDN'T INSULTED YOUR MOTHER

Read the last part of my post...

@ Hase: Schreibe ja nur in english, damit er es versteht ^^

~~~ Achtung! Opfer chronischer "Überall-****"-Paranoia!~~~ Dieter
Evil~King is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenWebsite dieses Benutzers besuchen

Beiträge: 6
Wohnort: Vraca , Bulgaria

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Verfasst am: 09.05.07 22:11
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So what I red it....if you didn't kill drugdealer he didn't insult you....and I realy didn't insulted your mum.....what do you want drugdealer to do to remove his ban.....

And Hase: I don't understand German thats why they talk in English ^^
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Verfasst am: 09.05.07 22:21
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Evil~King hat folgendes geschrieben:

Maybe i won't have put the screen into the forum if he would not have insult my mum. Maybe without that part i just would have laugh about that... But not when insulting my mum...

<-- Mistake by me in the sentence before. I mean that part of my post. Sry for writing "you".

And beeing killed is not a cause to insult anybody. If i would do that i would insult people the half day ^^

I think he (!) should offer an excuse. Maybe the admins will be nice and unban him. I dont know, i'm not an admin.

At all: I didnt start that thread. I just dont wanted to create a new one, so i put the screen into this one...

~~~ Achtung! Opfer chronischer "Überall-****"-Paranoia!~~~ Dieter
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Verfasst am: 10.05.07 09:27
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Hey guys i'm sorry for insulting but I have found many good weapons and i have searched for them long time thats why i insulted him. I'm sorry for it please remove my ban i promise i won't insult anymore
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Verfasst am: 10.05.07 12:33
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I think he (!) should offer an excuse.

Just an idea and I don't want to start selling the possibility to unban;
but a payment (real money donation) to the server will help every player and
COULD be a possibility in this special case ... ?

or less harsh a payment ingame-money because of the insult??


cya in Space
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Verfasst am: 11.05.07 16:59
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@ drugdealer

Unban. No more insults ingame, please.

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