logolinksrand Hamburg City Freelancer Server Foren-Übersicht
Players:4/69    *Mod here*
Server Load:0 msec 
Deaths per Minute:0
  SERVERIP : hc.flserver.de:2302
Discord Community: https://discord.gg/kH7wFRG

  Portal  •  Forum-FAQ  •   Suchen  •  Registrieren  •  Einloggen, um private Nachrichten zu lesen  •  Login  
  Donation/Spenden  •   Donation List  •   HC Forum Rangsystem Info  •   Player Rankings  •   Banned Players  

  -  Freelancer - Hamburg City Server
|  +  Hamburg City Server - Allgemeines Forum für FL / General Forum
|  +  News - Neuigkeiten / Server News
|  +  Help ! - Probleme mit FL oder anderen Sachen ?
Problems with freelancer or similar things ?
|  +  FAQ - Erste Schritte auf HC / First Steps
|  +  Banned? - Banished from HC & complaints about other players
|  -  International Forum - English and all other foreign languages
|| - Mass PvP "Event" Gamma 20.03 -20:00 o'clock german time
|| - Sunday 8 o'clock?
|| - End-Career GTA 5 Online Fun
|| - New mod with new storyline (almoust Freelancer2)
|| - So... What do people do?
|| - Honey, I blew up my PC
|| - }-{PB}-{ Pandoras Box
|| - In Idea I would like to put to all members of HHC and the Council
|| - Happy Star Wars Day 2015
|| - Hello
|| - Rename
|| - Hard police missions
|| - flserver.de server update!
|| - Prototype weapons
|| - Victory Day 2014
|| - question
|| - More hackers
|| - Bug with cruisers
|| - Unban
|| - Clan request
|| - Decrease lag (International Players)
|| - Lost id
|| - Ini files
|| - the pirates chars
|| - FRENCH COMMUNITY: 10 years already! : Our birthday FS
|| - Help installing required
|| - Mighty Asteroid falls in serbian barrel
|| - facts...not crap
|| - Why 180fps?
|| - video? lol?
|| - funny and sad
|| - banned?
|| - Further mod development (missions)
|| - -]uSF[- News - A Pirate Journey
|| - -- No equipment available --
|| - really?
|| - Russian players in HHC
|| - banned
|| - Freelancer bessere grafik
|| - Schalchtschiff
|| - RPG zeichen unter namen
|| - Schnelles geld
|| - Kann man eine Clan Basis in frankfurt auf 3d/c machen
|| - Liberty kreutzer hat nur 1 Geschütz aber wiso ???
|| - Liberty Kreutzer
|| - Nomad reputation
|| - Rename error!
|| - New Engine Available!
|| - screen freeze?
|| - Oops! Deleted my char..
|| - Looking for clan
|| - Character restore
|| - FL download
|| - HC test mod server
|| - My official leaving. A little gift for everyone !
|| - restore again
|| - Webpage warning from Avast: Trojan Horse!
|| - need help with 2 things
|| - need help with 2 things
|| - Enhanced Graphics mod?
|| - Reactivate old account
|| - Reactivate old account
|| - Cant connect to Server
|| - CharManager bug (minor)
|| - Freelancer error
|| - MOBA in Freelancer
|| - Events and clans
|| - Stop this moment, you're great!
|| - Moving character
|| - Re-activate chars
|| - Thanks a lot
|| - More fps from ati radeon 6490m
|| - Liberty Cruiser
|| - What is Freelancer for you and what place HHC at this game in your opinion?
|| - Geplantes Event
|| - pb: installation invalid, re-install FL & kick
|| - Eww Trojan
|| - Hello there ! ...and i need help (Mission Bug)
|| - how come so many players are jumping nowadays
|| - Zoners Tag - How to ?
|| - Banned ??
|| - what are good items to merchant and who here is from england or nearby
|| - Clans
|| - FL Aiming Red Cross
|| - Suggestion: New Clanmission
|| - Hacking rights
|| - Problem with mod
|| - Shooting while Cruising
|| - How are your countries reacting to Japan desaster?
|| - Hello
|| - Log on
|| - Server downtime 01.03 for 24-36h (move to a new location)
|| - ping changing every time :(
|| - lost .. ids
|| - kicked because of high ping
|| - Problem loading game
|| - Frohe Weihnachten -Marry Chrismas :D
|| - D$A Clan
|| - i lost Freelancer ID
|| - Freelancer Universe + HHC Mod Systems
|| - lost my ID
|| - NA/Canada players on here??
|| - ID lost..
|| - common.dll infected?
|| - Questions about things of the mod
|| - I've lost my ID
|| - How To Connect?
|| - cant play
|| - other game like FL?
|| - Probs with the HC mods
|| - lost id
|| - Namber of players FL
|| - Problem with HAMBURG city mod
|| - ID lost
|| - BRB
|| - Wurde Getaxt hab bezahlt und wurde 2 mal nacheinander ...
|| - Jürgen Habermas.
|| - I won multiplayer freelancer
|| - -> Statsvote
|| - Have I...
|| - Language of FL
|| - Afk auto kick
|| - -=)Remix(=-Dark_messias insulting and cussing
|| - FLCD
|| - Killing in NY
|| - Antipiratesand and Traders vs Terrorists and Pirates .
|| - Some questions
|| - ID - Lost
|| - Just an Eniqury
|| - lost ID
|| - plasse STE back money 120 mlion
|| - 14 Jahre
|| - Lost ID
|| - This is the biggest Impropriety
|| - ID
|| - how i can fix this problam
|| - freelancer stopped loading
|| - New player has some questions
|| - can not register on char manager
|| - Problem with Habmourg City Mod.
|| - plasse help i will make new clan
|| - webmisssions
|| - We Say Goodbye
|| - Crash on Undock
|| - This story is the fact of the pirates.
|| - S.T.E²
|| - STE
|| - STE
|| - ...GrEeTiNgZz fRoM tHe UnDeAd....
|| - Base Supply Status
|| - your oppinion on crosshair enlarging
|| - i need buy connect what is good connect to play Freelancer
|| - plasse help i can*t opan STE web
|| - Cant re-name chars?
|| - Losted ID
|| - My end
|| - admin help
|| - server mod vs vista
|| - How do I get the medal?
|| - Tell me is this talk about me good or not good.
|| - hi all i need some help to get new ID .
|| - This topic is very important for the pirates
|| - Around if I may help me to save the char after Fermat my com
|| - Attention
|| - Issue: Rephack
|| - How can I save the player when you reinstall Windows Server
|| - my ID is lost
|| - a view questions about the HC Points Calculator
|| - Don't count on me to show anymore for the next few months
|| - <]OSO[>\V/ision has left the Building
|| - Lost ID
|| - To polish players
|| - MARAUDERS salute you
|| - Still not working :(
|| - Playing Without official Mod? Help.
|| - Server kicks me out
|| - Need help with my character
|| - PvP is WRONG, Healing and repairing is good!
|| - WAR!
|| - Where did these wars are legendary?
|| - Lamp shop
|| - Char manager- need tutorial
|| - Spawn killing
|| - FPS problem under Vista!
|| - How can I register in the clan
|| - Hi!
|| - Test server??
|| - need help with my character
|| - Selling a cloaking Valkyrie
|| - lagness
|| - Hey
|| - Base attacks!
|| - Everything about cheaters
|| - New player
|| - Killing after tax?
|| - Bretonia cruiser problem
|| - cant select any server
|| - Hey there!
|| - Server connect problem PLEASE help
|| - Hello to you all fine English speaking gents out there
|| - Question
|| - Hamburg City Server is Locked
|| - Just to see what your thinking
|| - Hello New Dutch fun clan!!
|| - Howdy from a server newcomer.
|| - problem with depot
|| - what sector of omikron minor i should get the osiris BS
|| - Lost id- Guiness world record 2010..
|| - i'm banned?
|| - Validation / Install Error... [RESOLVED]
|| - Problem with Vista.
|| - Latest news topic
|| - Question
|| - Pls, get back the chars) THX)
|| - Lost chars
|| - escort plz
|| - votekick wars
|| - take this server up the admins arse where the sun dont shine
|| - Where is this ship?!?
|| - Nomad Prototype for sell
|| - More than one char
|| - Why am I being disconnected?
|| - Fast and efficient trade route
|| - Can I Get My Old Characters Please?
|| - Nomad Prototype for sell
|| - Depot Manager problem
|| - Char manager problem
|| - Order reputation problem
|| - Nomad engine question
|| - Vista - English please
|| - How can i get my character? Admins please take a look...
|| - Help !!!!
|| - Freelancer Sentinel :: Program code
|| - AFK players must be attacked?
|| - Server not showing up when trying to join
|| - Any volunteers here who want to help the FL community?
|| - More Nomad Prototype for sell
|| - Id lost again ^^
|| - Selling Nomad Prototype
|| - lost my ID again...
|| - Im sorry
|| - Selling Nomad Prototype
|| - Lost ID !:(
|| - English Guide
|| - selling Nomad Prototype
|| - Vote for dutymod @HC
|| - Freelancer Portable
|| - Official Client Mod
|| - Lost ID number
|| - @ InFiNiTy
|| - Are admins going to fix lag issue for international players?
|| - Another "bug" ?
|| - I want to join Western Alliance
|| - Hello
|| - Not able to play without official mod?!
|| - money transfer
|| - Validation?
|| - Hello all!
|| - pvp challenge to ultralisk
|| - Weapon depo ?? :S
|| - Website for FL videos http://menace-fl.webs.com/
|| - New Berlin, The Old Way
|| - Ways to Spot a Modder
|| - Recruit more admins ?
|| - Topserver list
|| - You will be kicked in a few seconds. failed welatiation
|| - How to make weapon groups (chain fire)
|| - Warning to all HC players
|| - Macro and speedgear
|| - I have a problem :( :( :( :(
|| - Clanbase dock bug
|| - Why am i not allowed to have secret chars?
|| - are primarlly Cosmetic mods allowed?
|| - Please dont flood the chat?
|| - BDs in war question; to the general public
|| - SLF domain loss
|| - Can't Connect
|| - I dont see HHC in list of servers!
|| - Connection Problems ?
|| - escorts to/from lambda
|| - A Trade Deceit
|| - Char Manager registration
|| - Fraps of me <3
|| - how to make name with...
|| - Clan Politics
|| - 1-20 lvl protection
|| - Battleship long range turrets
|| - Is the seth supposed to ahve 115x the strafe power usage?
|| - Server connection
|| - Play freelancer with a wiimote.
|| - Lost Account New Comp
|| - Maybe banned?
|| - Question of ethics/rules pt. 2
|| - Lag of US people
|| - depot manager
|| - /Vote Kick To Admin's
|| - Freelancer setup Error
|| - Encryption Detected in HC Mod.
|| - Question of ethics/rules
|| - Lost account
|| - Big ship in Alexandria
|| - Freelancer for Playstation 3
|| - Greetings Community
|| - Explain
|| - Lost account - inactivity
|| - Need a lil help please! :)
|| - NOT fun (generic rant)
|| - Video
|| - Lag and more lag
|| - F-Ti attack in the Neutral Zone
|| - How to remove player name above ship in MP
|| - Lost ID
|| - BhZ recruiting new members!
|| - A server bug or dunno please help me!
|| - Lost account - inactive
|| - Greetings!
|| - new year, old enemies
|| - gratz Slovakia...
|| - greetings for english community and other for new year!!!1
|| - Reinstalling
|| - Problems with PC- possibly connected with FL
|| - SLF Fifth Anniversary
|| - Depot Manager help
|| - I want to play on Sever but I can't! Please help me!!
|| - Can't connect to Server? - Finished
|| - PC problems-lost id
|| - Total Computer crash
|| - Little jumps/stutters
|| - Protesting!
|| - Event Protection, Bann!
|| - Virus on freelancer
|| - Moneytransfer from Server to Server
|| - bug reported with FL companion
|| - Lost Admin Rights to the clan
|| - HHC lag, hello again
|| - HC-Clan-Council
|| - Bug or delta ?
|| - Rich of History, Hamburg City Server, The End?
|| - SETH
|| - Heavy Lags again
|| - Western Alliance movie
|| - Lost ID
|| - WA_Ratchet- bug using
|| - Lost ID
|| - Lag and tax request
|| - Creating movie for freelancer with cutscenes of inside ship
|| - Lost ID + Password
|| - error during install
|| - Transfer failure
|| - widescreen solutions
|| - new character
|| - Old account
|| - A members lost account!
|| - Hello- and help
|| - LOST ID
|| - Lost ID
|| - cloaked humpback
|| - Questions about clan base and Battleship
|| - Problem with Mod
|| - Bountyhunt lame bug ?
|| - Free rename function
|| - Whats up with the CM's?
|| - PL... DE Lagger
|| - Keep Crashing To Desktop
|| - Mod problem (FR & ENG)
|| - To Western Alliance (Terran Colonial Eagles)
|| - Good Trade Route?
|| - How to get to omikron lambda?
|| - What is the best fighter ship in Hamburg city?
|| - New clan!!!
|| - dead thread, pls delete
|| - some things that sucks
|| - Getting my old characters back
|| - escorts not(!) needed
|| - Vanilla server :-??
|| - I need help with my old chars!!!
|| - Also need help with old chars
|| - Need help with my old chars!
|| - Open Tohoku ?
|| - FLMM on Vista
|| - killed and taxed under rank
|| - Hamburg City Video.
|| - 317th thx for rep and game
|| - looking for a trade companion
|| - Strange lag
|| - Known Server crashers allowed to play HC
|| - Repair platforms - clans only ( Idea )
|| - refreshing chars
|| - need admin help lost chars
|| - Best transport ship?
|| - Omg Hai!
|| - Admin help
|| - What happend before FP7 explosion.
|| - Appreciation
|| - Spanish Lessons / Lecciones de inglés
|| - Npc problem
|| - Video lags!
|| - bashing
|| - Any SCI-FI movies you'd like to suggest? :D
|| - bigger screen
|| - for all you deltas
|| - jump holes ?
|| - Clanbase Deaths
|| - Char delete please :D
|| - creating a new system
|| - Clans with names of 4 Houses
|| - problem since new mod
|| - lost account
|| - Mod work please! :D
|| - Tradeevent at 17th May
|| - Conneciotn problem
|| - A public Note
|| - Where i can buy weapons?
|| - Lost 2 ID's , Need Char Transfer :D
|| - Tradeevent @ 05-08-2008
|| - Hello there ! - New members Topic
|| - lvl 10 weps
|| - spawn-killing
|| - Omicron Alpha full of cowards,.!
|| - HowTo: Avoid dangerous situations
|| - Clans and new members
|| - transport clan
|| - lost id
|| - Joining a clan?
|| - what is the best trading route
|| - opening freelancer twice at the same time
|| - Maintenance Work - Information in english - Serverdown
|| - Need help with a driver
|| - Cloaking
|| - validation probs
|| - Ping problem that never existed
|| - [45th] Volunteer Squadron
|| - 3.05a problem
|| - what resolution?
|| - CM prob....
|| - Got a bit of a problem.
|| - Mod problem! In the game actually...
|| - Accusations
|| - España empieza a asomarse en el Hamburg
|| - ||KOS|| Clan
|| - I need to get in touch with admins
|| - Dynamic Economy
|| - rep hack problem
|| - my girlfriend wants play HC
|| - Manuverablility
|| - Mod Problems
|| - Request for clan member
|| - Alliance 45th Volunteer Squadron
|| - Who knows it?
|| - char transfer request
|| - Request for clanmember
|| - KOS List
|| - Nocharfound
|| - DiamondBack+JADE
|| - Problem with reputation.
|| - war statistics
|| - hacked account
|| - The Starport - Fl resource
|| - My member lost his id so he need char transfer on new ID.
|| - Memorial for fallen TCEagle member R.I.P
|| - question about serverstatus
|| - Call of Duty 4 Sprachdateien/language pack
|| - A public note to the admin team
|| - My Last Transmision
|| - What happend with BH ?!?!
|| - Freelancer under vista ?
|| - Mod Prob
|| - cheating
|| - move some chars
|| - How to get more FPS?
|| - Lost key
|| - Friendy reputation prob.
|| - webmissions?
|| - Rep Hacker
|| - Screenies
|| - Happy Xmass
|| - SLF 4th anniversary
|| - Chars problem...
|| - Spam
|| - Bug! "Possible cheating detect"
|| - Clanrep issue
|| - login problem
|| - Help PLZ with running HCC mod
|| - The Asmo is here
|| - Global Server Rumors
|| - Hello
|| - NOOB`s asking :)
|| - about bountyhunt cowards
|| - Nice to meeet all
|| - can't add new chat to char manager
|| - Lost key
|| - My chars Retrival
|| - Funny OIA bumping with head in the wall
|| - My account retreival
|| - Bug?
|| - problems getting on server ? since autoupdate
|| - Base defending and clan missions
|| - Questions?
|| - Ban for no reason.
|| - Server Down *Outdated*
|| - Latest Mod Update - Problems
|| - Hello
|| - -=Liberty=- Clan(?)
|| - problems with new mod
|| - Accusations against TCEagles.
|| - Mod will not properly deactivate
|| - Lamps
|| - I can't go on HC server
|| - Game crashes in Omega 7
|| - Joining clan...
|| - how to make group guns work ?
|| - Advice please
|| - Server Host
|| - Seth
|| - Cloack
|| - High-lvl Shields in game
|| - Questions about Differences Between Jolt and Hamburg.
|| - I've stucked into Freisadt Base
|| - Cannot undock new char
|| - question about char reg
|| - Unknown Problem
|| - lvl 10 turrets on transport
|| - Clan [Foldback]
|| - Hi
|| - Repair ships reloading - These are not traders
|| - nova launcher torp and clan battleship:P
|| - Lost ID
|| - WERE DO I GET A BIG SHIP?!?!?!?!?!
|| - Problem since new mod 3.00
|| - lost ID
|| - 'Web Rep Hack'
|| - a question about servers
|| - BUG - 'Possible Cheating Detected'
|| - newbie protection
|| - Rep hacker problems
|| - Abuse of dock protect
|| - Ping problems
|| - qwestion
|| - Char Manager suggestion
|| - mine fields
|| - Qwestion
|| - Bountyhunt changes/suggestions
|| - Hello people ^^
|| - *.*PR*.* Squad or Clan
|| - Bug on my ship
|| - Very annoying bug
|| - Lost character - I bet you're sick of these posts
|| - Anchors at clan statistic
|| - ahh, I was banned
|| - protest
|| - Cya =P
|| - Freelancer 2
|| - Immature Kids
|| - Novabomb ammo, Quick Question
|| - 2 more problems
|| - Bad language..pls ban..
|| - ships
|| - Ping problem
|| - whats a good setup
|| - Makeing A Clan
|| - HC escort strobe lights
|| - Another lost Character after installation
|| - Lost Character..., My stupidness -.- solved.
|| - Dragon (special class 9)
|| - The old days reborn
|| - Server Mod, Questions
|| - remove cloak time limit
|| - no Chars in Charmanager
|| - Bounty Hunt
|| - New ID
|| - Cargo ships
|| - red FLCD?
|| - No servers?
|| - Freeport 1 dont have Armored Transport???? bug?
|| - Lost Char's after reinstallation
|| - English/German Forum translation
|| - can i change charname?
|| - rephacker
|| - The Golden Age
|| - a couple noob questions )
|| - armoured transport
|| - Change name char
|| - Lost char
|| - Lost char
|| - Problem
|| - Server availability
|| - [FFG] - Fighters for Glory - are recruiting!
|| - HELP!!!! I Lost everything
|| - Just a question...
|| - Cloacking Ships
|| - Polish or English
|| - Polish corner
|| - No Speed Mod
|| - win formated
|| - Donations
|| - Web missions . . . . . . .
|| - player ID
|| - were is the sever?
|| - server pop cap
|| - New mp ID
|| - Insulting
|| - nick needs changing
|| - Hold the base function
|| - Novabomb launcher
|| - lost money
|| - crashes
|| - Bounty hunts and server crashes
|| - to all flcd community
|| - dynamic trade webmissions
|| - disconnects
|| - omicron major
|| - Charmanager problems
|| - Money was gone
|| - Why I have Ban? :/
|| - freelancer problems
|| - High Ping
|| - reloading
|| - Hi I am new and I have some questions
|| - Messege for Teflon
|| - "Brujah is back" :P
|| - Admins HELP PLZ!
|| - hi plz help
|| - Universal Freelancer Board
|| - a bann to a friend( Xenox)
|| - ???
|| - RPG
|| - stations
|| - help,
|| - Fighter Ship
|| - clan base
|| - How ?
|| - NPC Spawn
|| - is it allowed??
|| - I lost some money
|| - who nows
|| - Mooring trouble
|| - Infinity
|| - bugged GMG ships with Champion L.F. shield
|| - Problem
|| - could anyone translate Char Manager, please?
|| - New Pc computer
|| - Revenge ?
|| - Missions
|| - ok, question time! ;)
|| - what clan choose??
|| - Thank you Hamburg City Server
|| - When a char is deleted for inactivity?
|| - Problem with FLCD
|| - Another Newbie
|| - Tagchen
|| - Heya, I'm new here
|| - Greetings...
|| - Global Server
|| - Clan statistic
|| - @ HandlerAllianz
|| - AFK kills
|| - HC Universum Map, base capture
|| - Event & Lamps
|| - Back
|| - just wondered this
|| - Rep Hacker
|| - Need Shield.
|| - RPG fractions rep
|| - about missions and /help command
|| - about rules
|| - about paswords and char manager
|| - Bombs
|| - how to get nomad guns
|| - Lamps And Hunt
|| - Engines
|| - @uSF
|| - Reseting you rep..
|| - about servers
|| - Chrono Get Crashes!!! @ Adminz
|| - Art of War
|| - @Tribun
|| - playing in windowed mode?
|| - Problem with Hamburg Server?
|| - I'm coming^^
|| - Large Transports Information Please
|| - Admin Please HELP Me
|| - Deutsch speakers needed!
|| - Large transports
|| - Server crashing
|| - [FS]-Pulsar come back
|| - Hello -- im comeback
|| - Regarding respect & insults on Hamburg FL Server..
|| - transfer of money?
|| - lancer/canoballs
|| - Hamberg sever
|| - bases on hamberg sever?
|| - why im kicked?
|| - Info about Seth
|| - Mining Blaster
|| - Just a Small Question
|| - Help!
|| - Lost Credits ??
|| - Now we can speak Russian :)
|| - that function fulfills the types of motors?
|| - Hello
|| - reputation clan
|| - Problem with FLCD
|| - Somebody speech in Spanish?
|| - Help if possible
|| - Activate Count
|| - [TD]Kaboom kill (WARNING! Screenshots!)
|| - hmmm...join a faction - RPG?!?
|| - Admin HELP!
|| - Type of your clan ( Description of clans )
|| - Small problem...
|| - Name problem
|| - @Admin: Cannot activate account
|| - Where are all the pirates?
|| - Hello, i need link to site with info about weight loss
|| - problem with FLCD
|| - help please?
|| - Beta ----> Major jump hole?
|| - few words
|| - Im confused .. whats going on ?
|| - Spawn killer
|| - Hello
|| - some stuff
|| - Hello
|| - Website down (Whats going on?)
|| - @ all clans that are neutral to kgb
|| - Rankins and medals
|| - Ban for what O.o
|| - Fire Forward
|| - Guns only tournament on sunday (20.08.06)
|| - ClanTag Faking @ Admins
|| - Nomad RPG weapons improved
|| - Clan Missions
|| - [OOC] HHC in English
|| - Namechange
|| - Speedmod?
|| - player wants to be banned^^
|| - Roleplay Declaration
|| - [OOC] New Player/Player has disconnected messages
|| - [OOC] New Mod - Event mode
|| - Blackmail and impersonating admin
|| - Reloading
|| - punish Beltzebub plz
|| - BOUNTYHUNT: maybe a bug
|| - killed by high lvl peoples...
|| - Kinds of clans on HHC
|| - What is the [RPGChar] Rank icon?
|| - probelm - greek chars in the nick
|| - Lag kicks...
|| - Admins - plz help - nooby pro playes have nothing to do....
|| - F1 ing
|| - forAdmin- unban plzz
|| - Lamp Shop
|| - Banned for nothing...
|| - Server down again...
|| - HEElP
|| - <x>_<x> <---Mercenary!
|| - God Chrono In Favor
|| - Mercs needed
|| - Welcome new Players!
|| - newbie protection
|| - newbie protection
|| - more slots
|| - Help needed
|| - Hello!
|| - I was banned :(
|| - New ID?
|| - what ever happened to farway
|| - Clan Bases
|| - Accessing Forums
|| - webmissions...
|| - Bad pings
|| - Account Rename
|| - looking for clan...
|| - Cant enter...
|| - ...Attacked in hamburg?
|| - Ships.
|| - Event
|| - Thanks to all involved
|| - Bombers for the Mod (Dual Torpedoes)
|| - Server Event how will get a.............
|| - Massage To HF Lord Lenus
|| - Help me! I banned!
|| - Ronin Strike
|| - News about SLF
|| - colony news service.
|| - The colony war (event)
|| - Ban Plz.
|| - On the Darker or Lighter Side of upcoming 666
|| - I get permantly killed by some guys
|| - Marshal Law in Gamma
|| - Problem:(
|| - Help! My ship.. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR
|| - Returned ?
|| - Ronin is accepting applications
|| - your all cunts
|| - KGB Newbie killing
|| - Hello VAL
|| - Is there gonna any more .....
|| - Why only 60 players are allowed at the same time?
|| - getting and changing freelancer ID?
|| - Thanks
|| - Little problem
|| - Newbie Protection? And Swearing!
|| - SDF is here! :}
|| - trash
|| - Massage to the Admins
|| - Introductions
|| - @ Hans
|| - Get ready to fight/ after Event
|| - Let´s going on, Nomad Roleplay
|| - Ice Translation Service
|| - Cant Acces CharManager Features
|| - Char manager in enlgish ?
|| - I am stuck, Beta bug
|| - I got banned
|| - Crashing
|| - help with charmanager
|| - change nick
|| - Problem with server
|| - Changeable Clan Reputations?
|| - Clan Base question
|| - Turn the Time Back (48h)
|| - dockkilling Q
|| - clan registration
|| - New Clan
|| - below lvl 20
|| - The New Alliance of FreeLancers
|| - Interviews !
|| - OEG? Tax to OIA?
|| - Applications Archive 04.01.06
|| - AT
|| - FLCD problem.. won't go Green
|| - improved ship for Bretonia
|| - Insulting other players
|| - LOL - i`m a cheater????
|| - Help please! Dynamic trademission problem
|| - Where is my money???
|| - Where is the Post ..
|| - Wanna back my 20.000.000 :)
|| - little question about battleships
|| - English charmanager...half?
|| - Clan activity & base/rep orders
|| - FAQ: How to get a reputation/clan base
|| - FLCD broken?
|| - What is the Futhure??
|| - RPG suggestion/ discussion thread
|| - noob protection
|| - First strike!
|| - Should the Combat-Expert rank formula change?
|| - Kopfgeldjagt badge
|| - Problem with web mission!!!
|| - Hello :)
|| - HELLO:)
|| - Charmanager @ 70% in Englisch!
|| - Hello every One
|| - How to start a clan with a base?
|| - Looking for Adv. Champion H.F. Shield
|| - What's with the wrecks?
|| - Getting (almost) all factions to Friendly?
|| - How does char manager work?
|| - WTF??!!
|| - Login problem : mod detected
|| - Pirate battleships
|| - Transporting VIPs
|| - RULES*
|| - Windows reinstall on the Gameserver System
|| - Rank question
|| - docking assault in New York
|| - Engine shop -- what's it for?
|| - Halogen. Freelancer. Good - background
|| - Good guys & Bad guys (law and pirate)
|| - Hi!
|| - For 666 - or 999?
|| - Help with server
|| - Playerinfos (mouse over it) dont work
|| - FLCD launch problem
|| - 1. INFO ABOUT THE NEW VERSION 2. Farway base - unfair
|| - Our base in red
|| - Again the same? :(
|| - RE Battle in New Berlin with RAG and Friends
|| - "who is online"
|| - [HoTa] Explained
|| - Banned?
|| - GFLS vs. HHC (Sinnvoll)
|| - Osiris problem.
|| - flcd 0.9.8 released
|| - the HoTa is looking to join Hamburg City
|| - Max 65 Char is not good
|| - Battleship Osiris FAQ
|| - Missing characters - ADMIN help requested
|| - Lord of Hiroth
|| - FS Birthday
|| - -=666=- My personal presentation
|| - @FS Clan
|| - Anyone recruiting?
|| - Information: HC TS Server
|| - English Claninfo: Reefer_Wing
|| - Where i can find whats new on HC server?
|| - from FS to ADMINS
|| - We present our clan !
|| - Claninformation: -]uSF[-
|| - New and old char names
|| - Lost ID
|| - HC Mod Version 1.42 is out
|| - Thanks (lost MP-ID)
|| - Ranks Info
|| - FLCD Server switch is dead this morning whats up now?
|| - problems with HHC's optional mod (v1.0)
|| - Mods
|| - Already heard of the HCL?!
|| - sucky
|| - Run from where?
|| - Can't get on Hamburg with 0.8.1 W98
|| - FLCD Questions
|| - FLCD doestn't work
|| - Transport mod problems
|| - New version of Transport mod: 2.8
|| - New upcomming Module for Charmanager
|| - Today downtime
|| - question
|| - Ugly play.
|| - RANK -> Formula
|| - FLCD for other Servers
|| - RACE!!!!
|| - IRC-channel
|| - FLCD goes online again
|| - Certain Rumors
|| - What the fuc*???
|| - Note to admin
|| - Banned Baldur ????!!!!
|| - Statz
|| - Server keeps laging (Red Lag Symbol) so that you cant play?
|| - No Subject
|| - AI
|| - The police no longer scan for contraband
|| - germanium PvPing in New York
|| - Server Access?
|| - FLCD IS REQUIRED again !! New Version available for WIN98/ME
|| - Got blasted by a pirate? Read this before you complain...
|| - Problems whit some ppl
|| - New ANTI-CHEAT System will be released BE SURE TO HAVE THE C
|| - Password
|| - We need Money
|| - Server down at 01.10.2003 (old forget it :-)
|| - Problem with our Internet line
|| - Hamburg City in english
|| - Support/Bugreports flcharadmin
|| - welcome
|  +  Clanforum - Clan Presentations
  +  Offtopic
  +  Freelancer - Modding & Tech
  +  Freelancer - Leagues & Events
  +  Archiv

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