logolinksrand Hamburg City Freelancer Server Foren-Übersicht
Players:0/69    *Mod here*
Server Load:0 msec 
Deaths per Minute:0
  SERVERIP : hc.flserver.de:2302
Discord Community: https://discord.gg/kH7wFRG

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  -  Freelancer - Hamburg City Server
|  +  Hamburg City Server - Allgemeines Forum für FL / General Forum
|  +  News - Neuigkeiten / Server News
|  +  Help ! - Probleme mit FL oder anderen Sachen ?
Problems with freelancer or similar things ?
|  +  FAQ - Erste Schritte auf HC / First Steps
|  +  Banned? - Banished from HC & complaints about other players
|  +  International Forum - English and all other foreign languages
|  +  Clanforum - Clan Presentations
  -  Offtopic
|  +  Games von A - Z - Alles was noch so gezockt wird/Other games
|  +  Spam & Fun - Hier könnt ihr euch richtig austoben.^^
|  +  Allgemein - Das typische Offtopic Forum/General topics
  -  Freelancer - Modding & Tech
|  +  Suggestions / Clanbases / Charmanager - Post ideas and suggestions here. Everything related to clanreputations and clanbases
|  +  Support Forum: FLHook / FLCharAdmin - FLHook / FLCharAdmin Support & FAQ
  -  Freelancer - Leagues & Events
|  +  HCL - Main Forum - This forum treats everything around the HamburgCityLeague.
For questions, suggestions and every kind of discussions is this the right place!
|  +  HCL - Challenges - Here you will challenge your chosen opponent(s), inscribe results of your matches and set up match dates with your opponents.
|  +  General Events & Bounty Hunting - Bounty Hunting, Events & Specials
  -  Archiv
|  +  HHC-History ! - Die gesammelte Vergangenheit unseres geliebten Servers.^^
|  +  Council Announcements - Hier teilt der Rat Entscheidungen und wichtige Informationen mit.
In this place the council shares decisions and important pieces of information.
|  +  Ingame-History - Was halt so ingame abging.
|  +  HCL - Results 2004 - HCL Index 2004
|  +  Kummerkasten - Schlichtungsstelle für Probleme jeder Art!
|  +  RPG & Stories - Fan-Fiction
|  +  HHC-Council - Besprechungsplattform für Ingame Richtlinien und lösungsorientierte Vorschläge

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